EVIE, I will drain your energy, thanks for giving me your attention. It’s what I wanted!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • No I wouldn’t be. I work in HR as a Generalist, BS Graduate for business management and human resources management, AND I do payroll…

    I see it first hand who is disadvantaged and who is privileged. I see who deserves raises and who didn’t do squat for the amount they have been paid (executive teams and presidents/owners) … Your opinions on who is paid too much, are misguided…

    Your username doesn’t check out as you clearly are not touching grass

  • So I can’t have complaints against the second amendment and have good faith arguments about a gun in Thailand?? This was Thailand … not the USA… but that might be a fact too hard for you to separate…

    Lmao. I agree with the comment below. Go touch some Grass…

    you clearly don’t know how to have a nuance view on life that has several complex issues that are not one dimensional… but again that is a take you don’t seem to understand…

    having to comb through users post history (and mine wasn’t a post, but a comment… again nuance) without having a conversation in the text, seems to be a difficult task for you and it looks like you’re just looking to be combative.

    This was a tragedy and yes I have many complaints about the abuse of the second amendment… but again it’s a take that the normal person understands has complex layers to…

    So good day asshole. Enjoy your indignant attitude, however arbitrary it is… no point in having a 'good Faith’s conversation with you…

  • Annnnnd We all think you’re being very disingenuous with your veiled claim, because of your own vested interest in your creepy religion…

    to deny what is a fact, because you have an anecdotal experience, does not absolve the entire religion, it’s participants and it’s leaders of its atrocious behavior and criminal acts… a good person would abstain from the chruch and practice in private z like Christ told you to do… he told you not be like the heathens in the streets, praying loud so the world would hear them… they have their reward… he told you and all his followers to be of quiet cheer and practice alone. You will find no sympathy here for your pathetic excuse of your pedophile religion


  • Life for what? Did she kill someone? Did she heinously steal millions from improverished communities? Did she turn off Safelites and directly involve herself in an active war, foreign to her own land resulting in the death of citizens? Did she try to steal an election? Did she get kick back from the Saudi government to the tune of 2 billion dollars? Was she responsible for brexit? Did she steal from.her government by not paying taxes on corporate greed?

    NoOoOoOOo!!! She didn’t… hmmm why would you want her to spend life in prison?

    OH!!! I GET IT… she said she wants all CEOs who are killing our plantet, to stop doing that, and she crossed the Atlantic ocean in essentially a paddle boat…

    so that to you, deserves taxes be spent to house her for life on a made up crime… tell you what… fine, arrest and charge her, and imprison her for life … but ONLY IF it comes out on your dime only… since you are the only one asking for it… we will give you your way and fuck the rest of what the world wants… no have you way on one condition, if you pay for it… and only you… if you can’t afford it, then shut tf up, move on…

    You’re as bad as the politicians imprisoning humans over cannabis, so they have warm bardies for slave work in their private prisons… you should trade spots with them

  • I think that is part of their cruel point… they want people they deem below them, to see what a ‘prevliege’ it is to live in the States, so they are more ‘grateful’ to be abused here… because at least there are ‘certain’ comforts In our country… it’s sick.

    I only say this cause I do have a racist uncle who share this type of thinking. I got in an argument once with him about immigration and how they help our country. He had an issue with them (immigrants) complaining about literally anything, so they should just go back to their country… When I asked him why he would want ‘them’ ( a Mexican family he was upset with, to go back to Mexico) he shared a very similar sentiment. To make them grateful for being abused here…