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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • There’s way to small of a sample size for non-white cis male shooters for you to justify that statement. What was Nicolas Cruzes motivation? Or James Holmes? Or charles Whittmans? They’re just violent psychopaths. Attaching a logical motivation to the acts of violent psychopaths is a fools errand, regardless of the identity.

    Even the bullied trope comes from the Columbine shooters and they were not bullied, they were bullies. The saturation of media coverage led to presumptions of their motives. The public making those diagnoses is harmful and increases the celebrity of the killers which will motivate the next one.

  • That’s apples and oranges. This shooter has the potential to be the Trans version of Elliot Rodgers. Trying to attach a christo-facist motivation to this ruling is a stretch and a half.

    The motivations of mass killers isn’t really relevant for anything. People capable of that level of violence are such an anomaly that other indicators are more important, from a psychological perspective, than their self-determined motives.

    Largest mass killer in us history was the Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock. His motivation was that he was feeling slighted by the casinos for not getting enough perks for being a “big spender”. What is a psychologist supposed to do with that for helping prevent other mass shooters? Trying to attach some silence of the lambs bullshit to crimes like this is foolish. Even then, that’s the FBI doing it which then can be trickled out to medical journals etc. The best thing for the public is for these killer to be remembered as dead monsters.

  • The advertising was an easy and obvious example. I set you up for a straw man but whatever. If you don’t understand the harmful effects social media has on mental health and how it’s different from other forms of media/content, I’m not going to hold your hand through that. The sophistication of engagement algorithms should be obvious. The purpose of a surgeons general warning would be to raise awareness of those specific mental health issues that can be aggravated by excessive social media use. Raising the awareness of an issue is step in the right direction. Fine to call it a band aid but there’s no need to shit on progress of any type.

  • Not saying I take everything Biden says at face value but he has stated that he wouldn’t be running if Trump wasn’t. I think there is sound rationale behind it though. Trump just flings shit all over everything, Biden has already been through it. Why expose a promising young candidate to that? Next election cycle the GOP primary candidates are going to be trying to out trump and whoever is going to be the dem candidate will be looking that much better because of the shit the GOP smeared all over themselves.

    The point I’m making is more than a little devils advocate though. Dems need to address the enthusiasm gap, it seems like theyre going to be leaning on the grassroots movement from pro-choice groups. Fingers crossed it’s effective.