• 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I too would love to know what modern spirituality actually consists of. There are plenty of options on offer out there. My problem with what passes for modern ‘spirituality’ is that the people that do it can degenerate into candle-waving idiots very quickly. Ripe for exploitation by influencers and other profiteers. I very much distrust anything that requires me to buy something to be ‘spiritual’. I’m including christianity in this list, and it’s a long one.

    I guess the operative word here is community - cos we all need at least one as we are pack/herd animals at a very basic level. Community is worth seeking out but comes in a lot of different flavours and uses a lot of different jargons. I’m all in favour of researching the topic personally, but would encourage you to keep your brain cells engaged while you do so. There will be other events like this expo - there are too many fools out there ready to spend their money on shit.

  • Advertising has always been ‘aspirational’. Back in the 70s and 80s, the Womens Weekly was notorious for advertisements where the goods being advertised were clearly aimed at the newly prosperous new home owners and newly arrived people. The people demonstrating the goods were all white, anglo and upperclass or a good imitation thereof. The goods were such that white anglo upperclass people would not have dreamed of having in their houses - even in their worst nightmares, as too too bogan.

    Also, look at homewares ads on tv & youtube right now - the houses, even those with small kids and pets, are INCREDIBLY neat and clean and all the surfaces are blindingly white or pale grey and everyone is neatly and cleanly dressed. This is not a realistic scenario for a busy household. Aspirational.

  • 8 to 10 mins is ridiculous. Liver is nicest when hot through but still succulent. 2 mins at MOST. The strongish flavours in the recipie would work.
    Had liver at a restaurant once that was over the moon delicious. A crispish floured coating and the slices were 1 cm thick and hot and succulent. A taste sensation. Did not taste “livery” at all. Some of the same vibes as blue steak.
    Edit d’escalier: I think it’s the grainy gritty texture of overcooked liver that turns people off. It does me. I only eat it if I’ve cooked it myself to my liking nowadays. Ditto kidneys.

  • Is she taking the kid with her? If not, then it’s her problem what happens. Maybe volunteer to have the kid yourself all day so no pressure on her. If she wants to take the kid with her - fight like hell to stop that. No one sane takes a kid into a toxic situation.
    It has occurred to me that maybe mrs break wants to sit down with someone that isn’t going to criticise her and have a good whinge about life the universe and everything and especially MEN with someone who sounds like an olympic grade whinger themselves. Best to stay right out of that one for your own sanity. Take your kid to the park and build a happy memory instead.