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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023

  • No offense, but that’s all just circumstantial … If Trump wasn’t sure what was happening, that he was shot and bleeding, and just thought the secret service was being overly cautious to what he might have thought was an incident already under control in the crowd, he would have acted exactly as he did. A shooting victim not realizing they’ve been shot or being disoriented and confused is nothing new.

    The secret service and the cops not doing anything about it would make it a widespread conspiracy of the sort the GQP think generally happens against them, when the truth of the matter is the bigger and the more people the conspiracy involves the likelier there will be leaks. Specially if they are making it public for “thousands of cultists to line up”.

    There may be any number of reasons the cops and the secret service may not have done anything: they might have thought it was an undercover sniper that was part of the security and without being able to pinpoint them were unable to do anything more. Hell. the person spotted may have been an undercover sniper, and the person who did the shooting might have gone undetected and failed precisely because they used a hidden pistol and not a rifle (sources are reporting he used an AR-16, but did so outside the security perimeter for the event and on a sloped roof where the weapon could have been kept out of view where he was wearing camo), which might have been what was reported.

    After the shots, their focus was on the crowd and trying to spot any potential threats, not on what Trump was doing. Just because they are willing to hide away evidence of them being jackasses does not make them willing to participate in a conspiracy to this degree.

    Congratulations, you and the people upvoting your are the flip side of the coin the GQP is on. Right now you are heading to a bubble just as much outside of reality as the pizzagate peoples, just wait for the facts to come out.

  • Tax evasion is illegally trying to avoid taxes. Tax avoidance is making use of legal loopholes to legally not have to pay any taxes. Those companies and billionaires that are responsible for the greatest wealth inequality in the world, they are not amassing that wealth illegally, they make sure the system won’t come after them, either through tax advisors or through tax lobbyists. Usually “tax evaders” are the people who manage to get rich without the experience or the con men who don’t know when to stop like Trump.

  • The real problem isn’t the income the rich receive, it’s their tax avoidance methods that never show up as any income. This effectively puts a barrier on anyone who isn’t being a scummy shithead from ever reaching their level, it creates a safe harbor for billionaires to laugh from at anyone who ever reaches their level of influence, power, and wealth and might become their competitor if they do not do so in the manner of their oligarchic decades of experience within their inner circle.

    This only convinces idiots, and is about as cluelessly meaningless populist legislation as anything fooling far right fascists. Literally ask yourself, who is the rich, because I can guarantee you it will only affect anyone from low to middle income classes who manage to find any wealth without seeking the horde of tax lobbyists true billionaires have.

    Case in point, want to know what “rich” is for this piece of legislation? 90% tax on anyone who happens to earn above €400,000 (£337,954) for that year. I doubt this will even affect people earning above €400,000 every year because they have enough wealth and experience with paying the sort of tax advisors that will help orient them into tax avoidance. Billionaires are laughing at this measure.

    I would not be surprised if this suggesting could be traced back to “think tanks” coming with this sort of bullshit that only caters and convinces the ignorant while shielding the actually rich. I realize most people will see this as a good thing because they see this as affecting “the rich”, but it really and truly does nothing against the real problem, and I would not even mind it if it wasn’t a sign that nothing will be done about billionaire and corporate tax avoidance schemes and that they are only trying to cater to a sentiment.

  • I love how your second quote literally and purposely leaves off the last part so you can fuel your argument better. Some people don’t need to be misinformed, they do it to themselves!

    Overpopulation is not “anti-natalism”, overpopulation is literally a known and measured problem of biological populations, but some people like to make-believe that it doesn’t apply to humans. Cue “but population really is falling (except not really because we keep bringing immigration from places with lower quality of life and then complain when ours continues to be lowered)” when it itself is an indication that we are reaching the limits and yet are still trying to push past them.

    As an aside, lol at new labels like “anti-natalism” showing up that stereotype arguments launched against them, it reminds me of how the GQP has adopted their “woke”-ness label just because it gave them a term to band things that had existed for ages under. I’m sure “antinatalism” will serve as well - not blaming you for it, just realized the term was being paraded around and that it will work out just about as well as “woke”.

    Yes, I’m sure the consequences would be horrible if we stopped, but that’s the thing, being already in a shit load of trouble if you pull out is sort of a prerequisite of sunk cost fallacies.

  • It’s only encouraged because if people stop having children, it breaks the system, an utterly shit system which apparently can’t be fixed fast enough if people stop having children so we better go full speed ahead on a the most moronically large scale sunk cost calamity that is going to hit us like a brick wall along with all the other things piling up.

  • TheObviousSolution@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    15 days ago

    Wait a minute … does this mean Jesus was undead!? Of course, it all makes sense now!

    40 And they laughed at him. But he put them all outside and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was. 41 Taking her by the hand he said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” 42 And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age), and they were immediately overcome with amazement. 43 And he strictly charged them that no one should know this, and told them to give her something to eat. 44 Preferably brains.

  • No, no, you see, because she grew up as a Poo Person she now understand the world from their point and realizes how much they’ve been abused, so she pledges to lead and create a new society because it all turns out to have been a big misunderstanding. Then Poo People learn magitek and we get a sequel with the spin that now they are the oppressors, followed by a movie adaptation that completely ends up killing a cult classic.

  • I wouldn’t mind Reddit if it weren’t for the opaque and hidden moderation. Tree nested communication is much more superior than traditional thread based communication. We need that in truly federated fashion, and lemmy was just a step there whose questionable leadership hampers any real wide-scale adoption.

    Lemmy does slightly better, but essentially proves that when you have shitty administrators and moderators, the only thing that’s going to be transparent is the quickest and easiest excuse, and when it’s a lie it remains it remains incontestable. You only need to look at threads titled “Lemmy.ml tankie censorship problem” and read the comments to get a sense of the scale of the problem. Discord, at least it’s much more obvious that you are joining closed off communities and that discussions are essentially time limited.

    Things like community wikis have also dropped off in use specially recently because it’s becoming clear how much of their content is intent on milking their users. First it was ads, and it was excused because “hosting costs” (regardless of how comparable they were), now it’s AI scavenging your content and those services actively preventing you from eliminating content you contributed but are no longer willing to let them host.

    Even in Lemmy, where’s the option for me to remove my comments when I no longer want them to be hosted? In Lemmy, due to its federated nature, it’s even more difficult, but given that you can edit comments and have those updates propagated, not impossible. But nothing beats reddit in abuse, where they shamelessly tried to say they would allow respect and allow users to monetize their content but instead proceeded to do the complete opposite. The fact that there might/will be some other cache on the Internet that stores the content does not excuse it and give people the right to pressure and dismiss chain of ownership of those contributions.

    Add to this that the economy is far worse and that the tech boom is shrinking and much more competition driven along with a general decline in society for respectful contributions and discourse, and you get a lot less of the sort of charity that was involved in older communities.

  • Happened to me with an even bigger instance because of an asshole admin making shit up. A solution might be to divide up the host of the user comments versus the moderator agents versus receiver of the comments. If your host bans you, that’s it, but if the receiver bans you, that only affects their users, and if a moderator agent group bans you, that only bans you from their distribution group of moderator agents but could be read by other groups.

    If a community / group-of-moderator-agents-under-a-community-tag-for-a-particular-host bans you, you’d have to find another groups of moderator agents or accept all that are allowed by your host. Accepting all allowed by your host could only realistically exclude the worst offenders - spammers, doxxers, etc - so you’d really be incentivized to find a better block of moderator agents if you want to avoid certain types of comments. People who want to live in a bubble could live in a bubble but people who want to prioritize the greatest participation would try to find the most lenient host and the most lenient moderation agents, at least to their particular sensitivities.

    It would be a truer federated model, but this is not lemmy as it is.