Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 12 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • It’s not, unfortunately. I was positing, would it read as misogynistic (I can see why you read it that way) if instead it had been a punk artist who was also a woman? Because then at least it would be women paired up against women with a similar message.

    But I also agree with the likes of Theodor Adorno in that capitalist modes of production have been influencing the art of music negatively for a hundred years or more. (As such, punk hasn’t been safe from such capitalist influence, for example)

    In other words, I agree with the sentiment that capitalism is making music less dangerous and anodyne, but I also see how this meme is formatted in a way that can be read as misogynistic.

    Edit: Or you could switch the bottom pics out for stuff like the bands The 1975 or Imagine Dragons. There’s definitely some real shitty all-dude bands.

  • This is the question that everyone saying Biden should drop out can’t seem to answer.

    I don’t like our choices here either, but I’m not so foolish as to think having the party choose another candidate for us is gonna save us.

    This is the party that consistently won’t listen to its own voter base and keeps putting up unpalatable centrists like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.

    People think the party that keeps snatching defeat from the jaws of victory will somehow make a good choice this late in the game? As if.

    Also, who is really going to be happy with the party choosing for us anyway? The best they could give would to be allow delegates to choose a new candidate at the convention but delegates are not regular voters, they are party apparatchiks. They will only choose another bland centrist corporate-friendly Democrat, like always. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it etc. There is no progressive lightning rod that will excite ALL Democrat voters waiting in the wings. There just isn’t and we need to stop pretending there is.

    Biden is who we have, and we can accept it, even if we don’t like it or we can accept that this is our last real “free” election ever.

  • For Nintendo, the main purpose is to put a dent in piracy.

    You can bet your ass anti-piracy measures will be the biggest upgrades made to the console.

    Switch games were being emulated quickly after release and there’s a lot of PCs with the same form factor now that are technically beefy enough to emulate stuff. (*looks at SteamDeck)

    This breaks the previous emulation cycle and gives them a chance to boost anti-piracy measures since they’re clearly not beefing up the Switch 2 to PC hardware standards.

    The hardware will defnitely be emulatable on other systems, so they have to dump everything into anti-piracy measures.

    I mean they don’t have to but this is Nintendo we are talking about here.

  • This universe came about because they would design fun gameplay first and then write an absurd story around it.

    The “reasons” for things were usually dictated by gameplay and the stories reflected that.

    It’s why Katamari Damacy is one of my favorite games, because it took that notion and really ran with it. It’s story is as absurd and over-the-top as the gameplay of rolling up objects to make stars in the sky. The gameplay is absurd and not in any way reflective of any reality except the reality of the game world itself.

    The Mario series has always kept that ethos as well. The stories have grown and changed as long as the Mario gameplay has, each a response to a new set of moves, and at one point the move from 2D to 3D, all of it forever changing the path forward and the details of the canon Mario universe.

  • It’s not even a new idea. It’s just the same weathered and worn “a minority couldn’t possibly have the proper education to do this job,” from uneducated idiots who… *checks notes… definitely don’t have the education to do the same job and spend all their time trying to reduce access to education to minorities.

    It’s still the slaveowners attitude of purposefully keeping them uneducated and then judging them for their… lack of education. It’s what stupid selfish controlling people have done to others for centuries, kick them down, and then berate them for having been kicked down. They don’t like smart people who can talk back to them so they try to make sure they are the smartest person in the room by purposefully keeping everyone else dumb.

    When everyone in a political party is vying to be the smartest person in the room by controlling information and making everyone else dumber, you end up with a joke shitshow like the US Republican party, which stands for nothing other than bullying and willful ignorance.