For many system shoppers it’s a good-for-nothing system

that classifies as opposites stupidity and wisdom.

because by logic-choppers it’s accepted with avidity;

stupidity’s true opposite is the opposite stupidity.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I 100% agree and just wanted to build off this comment if that’s alright.

    Another side of this is hedonism vs fulfillment. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying hedonism, so long as one isn’t harming themselves or others in the process. But living purely to satiate one’s hedonism tends to lead to a sense of hollowness or unfulfillment.

    In addition to letting go of non-destructive hedonistic shame, it’s important to take time to introspect and find what brings a person genuine fulfillment.

  • As an old gen 3 fan, I recently played Black/White 1 for the first time and I see why multiple friends of mine called it peak Pokémon. It’s the latest game that retains the same ‘feel’ in my experience. I bounced off of Sw/Sh and the Sun/Moons. Something just didn’t hit right as a fan of the older games. My only complaint with B/W1 is that I’m not a huge fan of the starters, but there were a lot of mon in that game (the whole region is 100% new Pokémon BTW. No carryover from other regions/gens) that felt like they fit.