• 6 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024

  • Shampiss@sh.itjust.worksto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 days ago

    The Right’s opinions are not fact based, so you cannot convince them with facts

    Most rightwing supporters are driven by their emotions, and fall prey to fear mongering and emotional manipulation related to their already existing beliefs like racism and xenophobia.

    To change emotional based beliefs you need to use compassion. They are not your enemy. They are misguided and manipulated souls that need help.

    Treat them as your best friend

    They won’t be open to arguments if they think you’re the devil. So you have to be their friend.

    It’s not necessary to explain everything to them. You can’t change someone’s world view in one conversation. Just show that you’re a reasonable person that is trying to understand them. Gently ask them what their beliefs are and don’t be confrontational. With a bit of time they will open their eyes by themselves.

    Not easy. but I think that this is what effectively creates change.

  • So you’re saying that everyone that dislikes anime “just doesn’t get it” ? That’s a pretty silly take.

    I’ve watched about 100 different shows and all kinds of anime genres over many years but I stopped because I can’t do it anymore

    Most Anime shows suffer from the same issues. Personally The 2 most difficult things to deal with in are:

    - Incredibly frustrating dialogue

    I hate how characters speak in an extremely unrealistic and cringy way. It throws me off every time and I can’t connect with the characters. It doesn’t need to be realistic dialogue of course. I just think that anime is very far removed from acceptable dialogue, even for a show

    - Shows never go beyond their basic tropes

    Edgy anime is edgy and then nothing else. Every slice of life is just that and nothing else. Everything is extremely formulaic and you’re just left with the characters. And the characters are unidimensional. Please add some substance to the plot. Create more human and imperfect characters. Every character represents a trope and has no more nuance than that. The clumsy character is just clumsy. The bully character is just a bully. The main character is either the smartest or the most powerful being in the universe. EVERY TIME.

    Seinen anime is a bit better regarding this last point. but it’s still too much. I can’t sit through an episode without cringing several times. Especially over the dialogue

  • Your right to free speech ends when it turns into terrorism, racism or a call for a coup.

    There are some things that should be banned, such as the twitter accounts that promoted the attempt at a coup in Brazil in Jan 8 2023.

    These are the accounts that the judge asked to be banned. After Twitter didn’t comply they started sending fines and eventually outright banning it.

    Free speech doesn’t mean you can say literally anything. It means the government cannot punish you for your political views. But they can, and must punish racism and anti-democracy speech.

    Also, it’s a misconception that a decentralized service cannot be banned. In fact it’s not hard at all

  • It’s all appeal to emotion

    A good narrative is captivating. It’s really simple and comforting to know that the world is good vs evil and you’re on the good side. Those guys are on the devil’s side and we must stop them at all costs or it will be THE END OF AMERICA!! ** Dramatic yelling **

    It’s easy to convince less educated people using fear and misdirection. What are they gonna do? Check the sources and think critically about the topic? Lol

    Convincing someone that thinks you’re their mortal enemy is difficult. That’s why you have to be their best friend. Show them that you care for their opinion and ask them to explain to you. Show genuine curiosity and then give them something to think about.

    “Hey, I see your point man, but I don’t know enough about this so I’m not sure. Hey I’ve found this article that has some interesting points. What do you think?”

    It’s not easy but I think this is what really creates change

  • My brother what can they do?? They put diplomatic pressure and sanctions in place but there’s nothing more a country can do to influence another nation.

    There are US and EU sanctions in Venezuela since years. But they still manage to live in their limited space.

    Saudi Arabia is an Absolute Monarchy. They have a king and all that bullshit. The king is a de facto dictator BY DESIGN. that’s their constitution.

    What do you expect us to say?? “hey, how about you abolish your whole political system? Because you know… We kinda don’t like it”

    I don’t like it either bro but it is what it is. We have to live with that bullshit. Unfortunately there is no solution to everything

    Name a dictator that gets political support from the EU

  • Remember to be your enemy’s best friend!

    when you criticize someone your objective is to help them form a better opinion. If you simply point out that their opinion is wrong it’s likely that they will consider your argument as an attack on their values or self. At this point the argumentation is of no value

    Instead talk to them like you would talk to your best friend. Listen and try to understand where their concern comes from, and ask questions that make them have to analyse their own opinions.

    You need to help them see what their biases/emotions won’t let them. It takes patience and compassion.

  • Western powers are willing to recognise Putin as the ruler of the Russian Federation

    “A European Union spokesman said the elections were not properly monitored, nor conducted in a free and fair way. The governments of the UK, Germany and the US echoed this.” -BBC on the Russian 2021 elections

    Here’s the article

    This has always happened in the past Russian elections. The EU doesn’t push harder on this topic because they know these efforts won’t influence Russia

    On Venezuela however, there’s a lot more chance that international pressure will cause changes. Maduro GTFO!

  • What’s to see?

    I wish people would see past the idea that millionaires are evil people (and yeah they are), and understand that the root of this issue is on the economic/governmental system that allows people to hoard this much wealth

    Yes it’s dystopian as fuck how much money he’s able to make. But that’s not a result of him being evil or something. That’s a result of how the advertisement Industry works.

    He’s just a guy that mastered the YouTube game and is doing what he’s good at. He could retire or take a more relaxed work routine and still be a millionaire. But he works a lot to make more YouTube content because he likes it.

    I don’t like Mr. Beast. But don’t think he’s doing anything unethical

  • Pulls existence from the void

    This point is highly dependent on whether or not you believe there is some sort of soul or existence before birth. I cannot argue on this point since this is pure belief, so I will accept your view for the sake of the discussion

    Questions how not doing so could have prevented suffering

    You could say it prevents suffering, but it also prevents Joy, Love, Friendship. Sure it also prevents Sadness and Grief and so on. It prevents everything by way of not giving life a chance.

    If you think you cannot provide a happy life to your children then it’s perfectly valid to not want children. But it’s egoistic to think that other people should not have kids because of your own world view.

    Many Antinatalists believe that life in the current world is filled with so much suffering that it’s not worth being born.

    But that’s like… Your opinion man! Let people make their own choices

  • I’m sorry that you had a bad experience with your psychologist.

    If I can point out one thing that might help you is that these thoughts largely come from an evolutionary trait called Negative Bias

    Negative Bias is the disproportionate focus on bad events and/or memories compared to good events.

    It applies to a large range of memories and our ability to perceive danger. Evolutionary it makes sense because our embarrassing memories makes us afraid or unwilling to behave in a way that the social group doesn’t like.

    You can imagine when humans lived in societies in small groups of 30 people, that disrespecting someone could get you kicked out of the group and potentially starve to death in the wild. So there is a very strong evolutionary pressure that made your brain evolve to avoid repeating bad scenarios

    Your constant embarrassing, sad, or traumatic memories are your brain reminding you over and over not to be in that situation again.

    Unfortunately your brain didn’t evolve to be happy. It evolved to survive.

    All I wanted to explain is that these memories are not your fault. Don’t feel like you’re any different because you have bad memories constantly. Accept that your brain will do what it is programmed to do and learn how to work around those tendencies.

    And I could recommend trying another psychologist. I’m also available to chat if you’d like. Cheers 🙂

  • That’s a great comment. I go though basically the same steps with my constant flow of embarrassing and/or sad memories

    If they’re useful then maybe I should explore this thought for a little longer, or try to speak with someone

    If I have nothing to gain from it and it’s just making me cringe or sad I try to do something else to distract myself

    It’s important to not shut these memories down immediately. Some memories really need to be explored in order for you to properly leave them in the past. And you can bottle up a bunch of emotions if you refuse to think about thoughts that come to you constantly.