I can neither confirm, nor deny that I am in fact D̵̡̮̻̗̖̮͔̜͈̙͖͙͍̺̀̒̍̌̑͐̓͡å̴̲͍̋̉́̀̑͊̎̐̊͡l̴̟̭̳̄̅̕͝͠͝ȩ̸͚̼̘̫̺̻̬̻̮͖̣̬̖̠̗̎̌ ̵̯͕͛́͋͌̀͝͠ͅͅG̷̛͈̩̟̟̠͓̗̘͓͍̽̒̌̔̓̈͗̐̈̿͠͠r̷̘̞̹͂̀̑̋̀͌̍͗̆͝͠͝ͅi̶̡͔͖͍̟̲̮͑̎͌̀̎b̵̡̢̹̗͔̗͍̘̣͊͊̑͒̍̑͌̽͋͌̔͝͝b̷̭̩̩̣͙̺͎̱̗͙͚̩̈́l̸̛͎̼̟̋͆͆͗̓̓̓͘͟ĺ̶̼͇͎̫̮͎̣̳͉̯̊̆̂̓̄̍̃̚e̶̢̡̛̫̣͈̺̾̅͐̾̓͒̚ͅ.̴̫̞̥̒̈̇̓́̾͗̒́̉̔͑

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Gun nerds deserve being laughed at for getting upset over it and so do tech nerds.

    People are allowed to ridicule me for nerding out my passion pompously, or any sort of perceived sincerity, for that matter.

    I’ve always held that sincerity alone shouldn’t implicitly justify immunity from ridicule, but the ridicule tends to work better if it’s sincere in its own right.

    What’s better is using it as a handy way to temper my own zealotry.

    Complaining about people complaining does get old fast, however.

  • Your are assailed by many threats: the religious, the nihilists, the corporatists, the fascists, and the alleged “collectivists”. Extreme authoritarian “leftists”, A.K.A. “tankies” (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist competitors, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.

    They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last “class-traitor”. In practice, once they’re finished with “seizing the means of production”, they’ll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class.

    They’ll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of “each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. In practice, "the party leadership needs the most, because they’re obviously the most able” in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” will never exist, only the dictatorship of the “revolutionary party”. Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions.

    These supposed champions of labor are really harbingers of death - of the mind and the body. They claim to be the true authoritative “voice of the people”. Understand what they really are; power over everything and everyone, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a true believer (a willing pawn) or dead, just like all of the other supposedly benevolent dictators who promised utopias throughout history.

    They’re akin to the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, usurpers of a righteous cause, but a bit “more equal” than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story. Make these pigs squeal.

  • I imagine that our (U.S.) government’s case resides primarily on the premise that the state may exercise the ability to force divestment of a company with foreign ownership.

    These powers are granted by the National Defense Authorization Act which seeks to prevent imminent national and private security vulnerabilities being exploited by foreign adversaries and agents; the actors here would be specifically the CCP and their intelligence and military apparatus’ shell companies and PMCs.

    The precedents set by U.S. Anti-Trust laws support their position, but the primary argument in the state’s defense are the powers granted by the NDAA.

    I’m only speculating.