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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • There is no discussion about audio quality. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. You can talk about the format, cds being less nice to handle with that awkward plastic box which always breaks. But not about the audio quality. Its measurable.

    Yes, perfectly pressed vinyl can sound fantastic on very hq hifi. But it will crack. It will hiss. It will degrade each time you play the record. Thats not up for debate. How much, or how little, that is up for debate. And also, how you store your vinyl has a big impact on how they age. (but the medium will always age) Anyway :thats what you are referring too. How much. But how much isn’t the issue: it is, unmistakenly, always there. It’s physics. You can’t deny it.

    On the same hq hifi setup a hq hifi (super) cd player will at the very least sound equally good. It will never hiss. It will never crack. It will never pop. It will not degrade.

    Most times it will sound better. It will always sound cleaner. But we don’t like cleaner. We like stuff that creeks. We, people, like things which seem to “live”. It makes it easier to relate too. It’s why we cannot say goodbye to big steamengines of bygone eras. Its why we loooove the sound of high octane ICE’s and still use them a lot while we all know electric is probably better in every way. And the same applies to music: the pops and hisses make it sound more authentic, more alive. And this is where science goes of the rails and feelings take over. Its a slippery slope.

    Op is talking about the loudness war. Look it up, its a real thing, but reading your comment you must be aware already. “remasters” these days are all most always oversteered in every way possible because… Reasons. I recently listened to a vinyl remaster of a 90s dance record: horrible on hifi. But sufficient on a Bluetooth phonogram player.

    Like you said: nobody plays on hifi anymore. So its getting remastered more and more for shit setups. Sonos. Bluetooth headphones and the likes. And while sounding nice, that is a far cry from hifi.

    When playing your original cd’s you get the original remaster. Not that oversteered shit on apple music, youtube or Spotify which sound horrible on a hifi setup. There is a very definite difference. Easy to spot.

    And tbh: I’m guilty too. I chose the comfort (ease of use) of sonos over the sound quality of a hifi setup. In the end it costed the same and my wife is happier without the cabling. Living (together) is always compromising ;).

    I get why people chose vinyl. It’s the experience. It’s like smoking cigars in a lounge with some friends while drinking brandy. But like those cigars vinyl is not the best choice. But I do like cigars and brandy anyway…

    And lastly: no. Ripping LPs is a tough job taking at least the playtime of the album. Cd’s can be ripped and the files automatically named in minutes.

    Is ripping LPs complex? No. But it takes a good setup and it takes a lot of time. You dont need neither when ripping cd’s.

    So, anyway: physics, science, support the statement “cds are superior to vinyl”. It’s measurable. You may not like it, you may miss the authenticity but the dynamic range coming of a cd vs lp setup (of the same cost, mind you) is almost always better.

    But hey, I’m no bob Dylan. Who never was and still isn’t a fan of anything digital. He swears he misses something. I don’t. I look at the science and see better numbers for cds.

    And I do believe that analog recordings of anything (sound and vision) can always be superior to digital. Digital always has a max. So many pixels. So many kbit. Analog does not have that problem. The only problem analog has, is the medium on which it is set on. That has limitations. And those limitations always always result in a lower quality then what you can easily achieve with digital. At home. (for a reasonable cost) add a megapixel. Add a mbit. In the end it will and has crossed the anolog boundaries of the used mediums far and wide.

  • Welcome to Holland, we’ve arranged good dikes, good infrastructure, social benefits and affordable healthcare for all.

    How do we pay for all of it?

    Yeah… You now know how. We pay a lot of tax. And I mean a lot. 17+ % VAT on everything. Cars have an extra tax called bpm of around 20%. So half the price of a car is tax. 1 litre (not a gallon!) of ron95? Over 2 euros. Etc. (because that’s not all)

    It’s fun.

    And thats why we are tall. Because if we weren’t we would drown in our taxes ;)

  • Hell no.

    Are you u all living in rosy mc Rosewood Santa’s little safe harbour everything is fine and dandy rainbow world? Or are you all lying through your teeth?

    Letting someone in your home with clearly visible psychological issues, in your circle of trust, filled with those you hold most dearly and packed with your dearest memories, that place… And then letting someone in you know nothing about?

    Hell fucking no.

    In the real world letting some rando homeless dude in your home has a 50/50 chance of ending up in crazy town. There is a high probability that you, yours or your stuff get fucked up. I cannot and will not accept those odds. Even a 2% chance of shit happening is a risk I’m unwilling to take when it comes to my kids.

    Would I help him? Maybe. It depends on some factors (like can I at that specific time, did I help him out earlier, do I have cash on hand) Would I let him in? No f-ing way.

    So real answer: money: maybe, eat & drink: anytime. Clothes: I’ve got some you can have, no problem. Bath and clean: nope. Never.

  • Just watch that xkcd graphic my dude. Somebody else already linked it. It makes the issue very clear and is quite scientifically based.

    Yes, everything you said is factually true. That doesn’t mean your interpreting it all correctly. We not just accelerated it, we where strolling along the path of planetary heating and then decided to step aboard the Starship Enterprise and screamed: “MR SULU WARP FACTOR NINE, STAT!”

    We’re fucking with systems (planetary weather patterns) we can’t comprehend. And to solve it we again fuck with that system but now not by adding energy (heat) but by removing energy from it (wind, radiation)

    I think both will have issues. But for now removing lots and lots of energy from the system will greatly benefit us.

    In the end it will always come down to population control or going interplanetary as a species.

    More people on this planet, in this system will always mean more heat. Remove the excess from the system and it will find its equilibrium again.

    But… Removing the excess sounds nice but isn’t. Especially when you are deemed to be the excessive one.

    You want to know where global warming can lead to? Look no further then Venus.

  • I miss it daily.

    The discussions here always are the same, very leftist. There is only one side. Memes here are always overdone. Comics are always politicized. Everything is “eat the rich”, lhgtbq cant do anything wrong and lets not forget: fuck the police. Eating the rich has been tried before guys, several times. It didn’t work. People need leaders and these leaders will always benefit from it. Learn history before you try to make it. Or is it just jealousy?

    Just because youre lhgtbq does not automatically mean you’re right or have been wronged. Surely your identity is very important. As is mine. lets find some middle ground, ok?

    Police does fuck up, a lot. Do you have a solution instead of “all cops are evil” or is that just a catchy easy thing to say? And that brings me to the next one:

    The depth in discussion and the amount of objective (news) subjects here is lacking. Views are often shallow and if they aren’t they are cast in stone. Lemmy is unfortunately not usable for sharing and consuming knowledge. The depth isn’t there, the communities too small and it always devolves into you’re wrong because i say so. Or, if its IT, the knowledge just isn’t there or worse: people are not willing to share it, adding a you f-ing MS simp because why not. And that brings me, again, to the next:

    It’s also often a lot less cordial. Instead of discussing the “room” gets divided in friends and enemies. Name calling is normal. Its a lot darker here.

    Most of the times I don’t even check responses on my comments : I know what they say. Yeah buddy, fuck you too.

    Anyway, its fine. I use it daily. The use case isn’t the same though. And the experience is very different.

    I wouldn’t be here without Sync by the way. Without (stuff like) Sync the hassle would just not be worth it.