• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The world has lost /is losing a lot of food this past year alone. Saw an article that Georgia (US) lost 90% of it’s peaches this season, folks/farms from the Midwest and Canada either couldn’t plant at all due to lack of rain or what was planted has died already.

    The dam that was blown up in Ukraine ruined a huge area of farming that has global significance as they exported a lot of grains and oil seeds.

    Spain is facing over 60% crop failures and the third year without honey.

    Cotton crops from Texas and Spain also at a huge loss.

    I am sure there’s more, this is just off the top of my head. It’ll take a little bit for it all to show up, but we are definitely going to be feeling the effects of this by next year I’m sure.

  • I like and /or want to watch many of the shows already listed, so I want to add some not ITT

    The Bridge (both versions) The Tunnel (uk/french remake of The Bridge)

    Counterpart ~ what a great show and we’d had a season 2 if not for the pause because of Covid:/

    Vera ~ my all time favorite of the mystery shows.

    Strange New Worlds ~ feels like the star trek we grew up with!

    Better off Ted ~ that show was ahead of it’s time. Wish there were more than 2 seasons!!

    Often passed over, yet exceptional imo, is Marco Polo on Netflix.

    Shetland ~ Beautiful scenery along with great mysteries.

    Will Trent ~ one of the few shows I watch as it came out and was really anticipating the next weeks episode. Most shows I just wait till they’re all out. This one got me hooked right out the gate.

    The Stranger ~ by Harlen Coben on Netflix.

    Alaska Daily ~ cool setting and great topics

    Quantum Leap (new one) Was pleasantly surprised and lok forward to the next season

  • In 1988 when I was in hair school and instructor was diagnosed with HIV and was fired. He wasn’t allowed to do hair anymore either. Lost his job and cosmetology license. Wasn’t allowed to touch people. We weren’t even allowed to talk about it. HIV and AIDS were running rampant and it was buried for years. People were treated as lepers. Wasn’t until a young boy was infected from a blood transfusion that they even took it somewhat seriously. Only 35 years ago.

    Had a friend who died from AIDS in 1992 that was infected from a breast implant surgery and tons of folks wouldn’t go to her funeral!

  • I have seen more people with different ideologies beliefs and opinions have actual discussions and civil debates here since I joined then I have anywhere in a long time. I feel safe to comment and share my opinions because even if someone were to disagree and share a different opinion, I know I am not going to get a barrage of mean and hateful replies and messages.

    Prior to 2015, I had friends from many walks of life. Sometimes we’d have some heated discussions, but no one was yelling, being racist, spewing hate etc.

    Since 2016, most of my conservative friends actively eliminated everybody who did not think like them. It was mind-boggling how many people I knew asked who I voted for and if it wasn’t for Trump they let me know I was no longer welcome to be their friend. I didn’t even vote for Hillary and yet it was extremely difficult to even convince them of that. They forgot that there were other people running in the race apparently.

    I think if you stick around long enough you will see many viewpoints and discussions here.