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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I watched it purely for nostalgia reason because of the games, I decided to not read reviews about it before. There was few interesting scenes (combat scenes), but overall not worth it IMO. I kept watching hoping that it will get better and I kept being disappointed. Maybe I’ll check the season 2 though according to reviews this time.

    They took a big dump on all the existing lore, and on the already well defined character of Master Chief.

    Forward Unto Dawn was so much better as a Halo adaptation.

  • I wasn’t even the first, someone else posted it also while I was typing my answer.

    I didn’t even re play it that much. I think in the end I probably have more playtime on Oblivion. But much better/stronger memories from Morrowind. It was maybe because I had less video game experience to compare it with, but this one clearly left a big mark on me. I still have incredible goosebumps when “the road most travelled” or “nerevar rising” sounds start playing from my playlists.

    The gameplay maybe clunky compared to today, especially to combine weapon and magic. But everything else was so amazing for the time, and some part are still much better than recent games.

    I even had a talk with someone at an “ai in game dev” conference who took as an exemple the way the diary/quest log of Morrowind was working.

  • It’s “classic”.

    Originally (several decades ago) it was used for “Computer Role Playing Games” to describe video games that closely followed tabletop rpg (rules, universe, or just in spirit). But then video games became more well known than tabletop games, and the “c” dropped out of the acronym because all games where “computer” games. However, a lot of more recent “RPG” video games didn’t had this tabletop RPGs feeling (think skyrim and the likes).

    So now the term cRPG is back, to describe the same kind of games as before but most people use the C to means Classic instead of Computer.

  • Ok I knew my data were old but I wasn’t expecting such a change. I based my answer on the latest “complete” report I knew and it was from 2011. I was expecting the solar to reduce emission as the technology improved obviously, but I found it very strange that the nuclear emission was higher in your source than in the one from 2011. After reading carefully it turns out that the change in safety and regulations for building new nuclear powerplants changed and lead to a big increase of the co2 emission during building. I thought that most of the co2 emission from nuclear was from uranium/plutonium extraction and enrichment but apparently the building itself is a major part of it.

  • At least two very different for me:

    Myst: I was very small when I played it so maybe I missed some slightly hidden warnings or foreshadowing. But basically during the whole game two brothers that are trapped in two magical books claims that the other brother is evil and trapper him in this books.

    It looks like the only way to progress in the game is to trust one of them and go do the quests they are asking in order to free them.

    I thought I was smart and did everytime both quests for each of them, my plan was to save before the final quest of one and check if is the “good” one, otherwise reload and finish the last quest of the other.

    I finish one guy. cue evil laughter I finish trapped in the book and the evil brother laugh that he managed to lie to me for this whole time. Fine, let’s reload 5 minutes ago and free the other one. another evil laughter basically same thing happen with the other … wtf ? There is no good ending to this game ??

    Turned out there was the dad of this two also trapped in another book that was hidden somewhere else, he was the real good guy and lead to the good ending.

    So: don’t trust anyone, always look for more options than the two obvious choices that are only an illusion of free will. Lesson learned at a young age.

    Other one that is more coming from the community than the game itself: world of Warcraft (vanilla, when it get out), more specifically beating the end boss of the latest raid for the first time. Especially when you are the raid leader. It give such a satisfaction and sensation of fulfilment.

    There are a lot of games that require a lot more personnal skill than WoW to beat a boss. But getting 40 people to be ready, prepared, have to good class and good equipment, and play together for hours in order to achieve this common goal is incredible.