Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I threw together a helper tool using python. Whenever possible, it automates all the various steps of creating posts, such as crediting the artist, including links to their socials, shrinking large image files, uploading the image to a host…

    It also doesn’t actually post at the same rate that I find things to post. I was having to stop myself or I would go on spammy posting sprees when doing it manually, because I usually find hundreds of pieces worth sharing at a time. The tool lets me queue up all those posts with very little of the tedium of copy pasting links and artist names, and instead of me making a hundred posts all at once, it spreads them out over time.

  • Or, from a different perspective, too many.

    Not a single death on either side of the Ukraine war, has been necessary. They’ve only been unavoidable due to the murderous delusions of a single damaged man.

    The whole thing is a pointless waste of human life and earthly resources.

    And while there’s an argument to be made that some of casualties of the war are deserved… A war where the fates of figters are determined by little more than random chance, isn’t justice.

  • As maybe the main culprit behind such content, I can comment.

    I’d love to err on the side of caution. Unfortunately that isn’t how the NSFW toggle is used, and erring on the side of caution any more than necessary comes with drawbacks in terms of post visibility and community growth.

    Posts like the one you linked perform orders of magnitude better when not marked NSFW, which means they reach more people who want to see them when un-tagged, than didn’t want to see them.

    And tagging them, in fact achieves the opposite.

    This is because people scroll past content marked NSFW regardless of what it is. Because they can’t see what it is. Except when they are looking for porn.

    So while I didn’t stop using the NSFW tag, I pushed the needle a bit and stopped marking everything even slightly revealing as NSFW “just in case” because it was literally hiding it from the people who wanted to see it, and leaving just the porn enthusiasts to check the actual images, who’d then down-vote it because it wasn’t actually porn.

    I am myself completely uninterested in actual pornographic content on Lemmy, yet as someone who doesn’t mind it, I actually do not hide NSFW content, and even disable blurring it by default.

    Because the binary tagging of NSFW is utterly useless as a tool for curating away content I do not want to see, as a SHIT-TON of content I DO want to see would go with it.

    Instead I use the list view in Thunder with its small thumbnails, making the occasional porn very difficult to spot over my shoulder, but allowing me to much more properly vet what posts I open and view in full size.

    I am fairly certain that a lot of the people who engage with my many “moe” communities, are, like me, quite uninterested in actual explicit content. As such they do not engage with posts marked NSFW, or perhaps even disable it entirely on their accounts.

    The NSFW toggle isn’t enough, and its purpose and exact threshold varies wildly depending on your sensibilities.

    This content isn’t porn, yet if I run my communities as if it is, they don’t get traction.

    If I run my communities like they’re for porn, they’ll mostly be frequented by people who post and look for exactly that. But they won’t fit in because I don’t allow nudity, and the stuff I do allow isn’t the kind anyone settles down to actually get off to, despite some of it being arousing. So, my communities don’t belong on that side of the fediverse, but at the same time they don’t entirely belong on the SFW side of a lot of people’s feeds either.

    Yet, to reach the people like myself, but who unlike me don’t make the insane effort of checking every NSFW post to see if it’s not porn, that’s where they have to exist.

  • No it isn’t. I’ve played the first game thrice, the second twice, and genuinely adore both for a variety of reasons.

    Forbidden West is literally the only game I’ve bothered taking a week off work to play on launch, and then did it again on PC to play the DLC.

    There is nothing about Horizon which makes it’s popularity unwarranted. The fans are real and there’s tons of us.

    I’ll admit the idea of a live action adaptation felt stupid, but after my parents got to experience the story of the The Last Of Us through the actually well executed adaptation, I was cautiosly ready to wait and see if they might not pull of a decent adaptation of Zero Dawn for them to watch, too.

    Hearing of its cancellation is no great loss though.

  • Not gonna happen. Not really.

    So far research suggests the guardrail and hallucination problems are unsolvable, and we are seeing diminishing returns from increasing the complexity of these systems.

    Hence devs will never have the necessary control required to author an actual narrative. NPCs will end up talking about mechanics that don’t exist, or saying things that contradict an overrall narrative.

    Even with actual people, if you just throw them in a room and have the improv a world into existence, it never ends up quite as good as a properly authored narrative.

    And LLMs are nowhere near achieving the level of internal consistency required for something like the worlds of Elden Ring or Mass Effect.

    Baldur’s Gate 3 contains truly staggering amounts of writing, multiple times that of classical literary works. The hallucination problem means that if all that were AI generated, small parts of it might pass inspection, but trying to immerse yourself in it as a fictional world would have you noticing immersion breaking continuity errors left and right.

  • So what?

    Living in a city with actually good public transit, it is used to achieve exactly that. To get any one passenger from any one point within the metropolitan area, to any other. To work for everyone, even though every single person is starting from a different point, and going to a different destination.

    It doesn’t matter where you’re going or from where. There is a public transit stop nearby at both ends.

    The fuck do you mean “a small segment of the trip”? I share this city with a stupid number of other humans, only a small number of which I go to work with every day, yet a significant portion of of the entire city population travels to work, entertainment and shopping, using the exact same transit network.

    Your trip may overlap with a varying number of entirely different individuals along each segment of the route, and at each end it might just be you walking a few dozen meters… But come on! The fact that it adds up is beyond obvious!

    Your argument is only valid for mass transit, that isn’t actually mass transit.

    And as density goes up (read less roads and carparks), the overlaps INCREASE and the whole thing gets more efficient.

    There is a train station in Tokyo, that serves the same number of people every day, as there are citizens in my entire country.

    Can you even imagine what a highway interchange that could serve 5 million people within 24 hours would look like? No, because it’s a physical impossibility.

    The only reason the number can get so high, is because transit systems consolidate travellers even when they aren’t going to the same places.

  • I’m not sure whether you’re kidding, but I wouldn’t complain either.

    Five and six are not good games, but played in co-op, slightly drunk, they are a riot of cringe, ridiculousness and camp.

    We laughed our asses off in the Ada story sections where the second player constantly pops into existence as a faceless “agent” because Ada doesn’t normally have a companion, but they had to make her sections somehow playable in co-op.

    The games are top tier material to laugh at.