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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2024


  • Communism allows everyone to pretend to have free stuff by declaring those that actually make it less than human

    I know you’ve been banned (not unreasonably so) and can’t respond, but if you truly believe what you wrote above, you owe it to yourself to find out how you’ve been lied to. Communism at its most fundamental core is about alleviating the exploitation done to “those that actually make it” (workers). Communism elevates everyone to personhood, as opposed to capitalism that only does so for the ownership class.

  • Surely, if Russia is indeed so benevolent,

    Who is calling Russia “benevolent”? In fact I specifically said that Russia is probably only making the offer because they know it won’t be accepted.

    Ukraine wouldn’t need them going forward in this hypothetical peace?

    Why wouldn’t they? I’m genuinely not sure why anyone would think such a thing. Like do you think that just because they tentatively accept this peace offer they will suddenly be fully propped up economically by Russia after having completely handed over their public assets to NATO countries, largely in exchange for the weapons that have allowed them to put up the resistance that they did against Russia? Do you think that countries exist in their own vacuum and there wouldn’t be massive repercussions (read: severe consequences) for breaking with the western countries they have relied on since 2014 and outright depended on since 2022? And that’s Ukraine as a whole irrespective of who is currently running it…

    Most of that becomes secondary when you consider that the current government Ukraine (the ‘regime,’ if you will), the people who make it up, have an interest in maintaining their own positions, as is true for literally anyone holding a position of power. Above reasons aside, that current leadership of Ukraine would not remain the leadership long without NATO regardless of whether or not they accepted this offer if they didn’t have NATO backing. Said government and NATO are inextricably tied, said government only exists because of NATO. So I doubt that government wants to accept the peace offer either and isn’t necessarily in their best interests even if it absolutely is in the best interests of the Ukrainian people, especially the ones being forcibly conscripted to go die on the front in a war they don’t want to even be involved in.

  • ukraine doesn’t have a choice, they have nowhere to go. they can’t pull out of the conflict because they are literally the one being invaded

    You are right in that they have nowhere to go but it’s because NATO won’t let them accept peace but will force them to keep fighting until that last working class Ukrainian is dead. Russia is literally offering them a way out of more bloodshed right now, literally the topic of this post. They also could have avoided all of this by simply honoring the Minsk Agreements, but it was Ukraine breaking those agreements (including by shelling their own people in the east) that led to Russia “invading” by entering a conflict that had already been initiated by Ukraine trying to ethnically cleanse the east. It’s funny you start by saying that Russia is untrustworthy, but Ukraine and NATO are the ones who very explicitly and admittedly broke their agreements.