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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • Gotta say, a lot of people here talking a lot of shit about someone who actually had the balls to at least try to do something direct considering none of y’all have taken a shot at it yourselves in Minecraft.

    You can’t complain about someone failing to do your personal final fantasy when they at least tried to achieve what you haven’t.

    I’m certain some of you legitimately can’t for personal reasons, but if you can and you’re not doing it either, you can’t complain that they missed skibbity.

    After all, as Dr. Doofinshmirtz once said, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.

    If you’re interested in doing more, learn more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHEgHjJvR94

  • I have similar wants. Just a standard house, maybe some land for a bit of gardening, and a workshop to make things. Donate to certain charities and open source projects etc. Travel a bit.

    But they’re one little thing I’d do that would definitely show I’m rich:

    I’d travel to local forest parks around the world, and bury actual treasure. Like a 3 gold bars. In in actual chest too. Maybe every now and then I’d do smaller treasures that are like a fancy sword or platinum ring or just medieval armor. Idk.

    Then I’d go to the local university and set up riddles they’ll lead to a part of a hidden map, with the map being hidden both throughout the university and maybe online too, depending.

    But it wouldn’t be a straightforward map. It would be a map to a random house built near the park. And somewhere in that house, would be the final map leading to the treasure.

    Why? Because the world could use a little bit of magic adventuring I think. That’s something that just doesn’t really exist anymore in the modern era, in a way. I feel like finding treasure and going on a treasure hunt is something a lot of people as a kid probably thought would be fun.

    And second, university students can always use some money, so they get first dibs too.

    Likewise when I die any children I have would have to go to a mini mansion and solve the puzzles in order to get my last will that grants the finder my money.

  • The bigger picture is always missing in these posts.

    And that is that everything that’s happening has already happened in Russia. It’s how Putin got power - through the courts.

    All a Republican president has to do now is make an official act that they are president for life, the supreme court agrees, and that’s that.

    The second is that while only the president has immunity (meaning anyone killing people under their official order would still be illegal), the president can also pardon people. So it’s a loophole - anyone can kill under their official order, and then the president can just pardon them.

  • Haven’t really seen it mentioned here, but for those who don’t know, the male chicks are not used for chicken nuggets, but primarily for pet food or plant fertilizer. Also not every country does this practice. Not only that, but eliminating eggs from the human global diet would be unfeasible. This is because eggs are the best source of protein, with only whey protein coming second. They are also the only food with such a high protein content that also contains all essential nutrients. And before someone posts “but da beans!” - no, they’re not on the same level. Although beans are a good source of protein, they’re neither complete nor are they actually as high as they seem, because the protein they have isn’t as bioavailable as that of eggs (speaking of, this is why there’s certain practices in vegan diets to gain more nutrients, such as eating leafy greens with an acid to get more iron or soaking pecans to remove the pyric acid in them to absorb the minerals they have better).

    Removing eggs from the world diet would actually lead to more ecological harm, even without more ethical chicken rearing practices becoming wider spread, because the amount of farm land needed to ensure proper nutrition for everyone with a mixed vegetable diet would be significantly higher than ensuring there’s just enough eggs for everyone.

    You don’t like baby chicks getting ground up? Don’t own carnivorous pets, and buy from more ethical egg farmers. Or if you can, honestly just get your own chicken or 2. You’ll have enough eggs with even a single chicken to be honest. Hens don’t need much space, males can be eaten once their 4am crowing drives you crazy - although they do keep the hens happy. If you can afford it or don’t have very particular diet restrictions, go vegan - you probably don’t need as much protein as you think. I used to be vegan until kidney failure, and now with a transplant am back to mostly vegetarian (at least for now until I can go back to being fully vegan). I also used to raise animals for food and farm because I came from a poor family initially. If you don’t care, then just consider eating less meat and eggs will ya? Too much ain’t good for your health either. Plus it’ll taste better if you don’t eat it every day. A weekend bbq is way more special when you haven’t had meat the prior everyday.

  • Not to mention i feel like lab grown meat in particular will have been made possible through animal suffering research.

    I feel like there’s a limit to this. How much time has to pass before it’s ethical again? After all, many animals were harmed in the research (selective breeding) of modern vegetables too. It’s a process that took hundreds to thousands of years and a ton of livestock used as farm equipment to create something like the modern carrot.

    Poking with a modern needle or using a single cattle by comparison is a lot less sacrificial research by comparison, only it’s more recent.