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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Sorry what? I can’t read context so I don’t quite get what you’re trying to say. Could you maybe quote what you were responding to?

    I’m not sure what the problem is with hexbear’s rules. It’s a socialist instance of course it aims to remain socialist. Do you look at the lgbt instances and say “how dare they have motivations to keep their community lgbt!” No of course you don’t. It’s a fundamentally absurd notion.

    Hexbear’s goal is to be leftist and have a fucking laugh while doing it. Nothing more. This shit has created a mountain of entertainment, nothing changes for Hexbear but this instance has pissed and shit all over itself.

  • Yes it fucking was a colony. Calling somewhere “independent” and puppeting it while maintaining all colonial extractions is not freedom from colonialism.

    You only learned the country’s name this week, and your entire understanding of this topic is from wikipedia. I am very much willing to give them, Burkina Faso and Mali an opportunity to be better, or not. At which point I will adjust my opinion.


    At least get the name of the fucking country right. You’re naming the wrong ass country.

  • Yes I do mean the time the official gamingcirclejerk team asked you to stop the misrepresentation of this GCJ, which is literally stealing the branding, and the graphics created by the official team on the subreddit, and presenting itself as a continuation of it. I asked you to resolve it. Whether that meant putting the official team in charge, or whether that meant some other resolution, because attempts to reach out were being ignored. I am not misrepresenting that conversation, neither are you really I don’t see a reason to contest that other than me as topmod, nobody suggested anything other than the existing team being added to it, most likely in the existing hierarchy but we didn’t get that far in conversation did we? So given there’s no much disagreement on the content let’s just skip to the end eh?

    Antik: “And what’s wrong with there being two GCJ’s? Surivival of the fittest basically. If you have a better team you can outgrow the current GCJ on easily - especially since you will be linking from the original subreddit.”

    GCJ: “Because it’s our labour? After 12 years of putting in the work to build and manage the existing community it sticks in your throat to have someone come along, use the same name, take the branding that we made with our own hands so they can benefit in taking over from the 12 years of labour that we performed to get it to where it is. If you worked on lemmyworld for 12 years, brought it up to hundreds of thousands of people with a history of thousands of media articles about its antics and influence on the industry you might also have a problem with someone else then using the same name, graphics and branding to take over simply because they typed in the name first.”

    And there was no response from then on.

    After discussing it with some of the team gossip got around various reddit mod backrooms and bish bash bosh nobody wanted to have anything to do with this space anymore because it doesn’t respect the work and effort people put into creating those communities and bringing them up to what they are today.

    Like, what exactly did you expect this response to do? Inspire faith in the way this team respects other teams, wants to maintain positive relations and genuinely does care about the work people put into their communities? It was flippant. And the expectation was that same flippancy about everything would be the experience modteams would all get if communities were made here - so they weren’t, with completely valid concerns.

    And now what’s happening? More incredibly shortsighted decision making. This topic is going to come up every single time lemmyworld is ever mentioned now. It is going to haunt the site. And on top of that the site already struggles with clear wreckers trying to harm it, coming from fascists or from some other instance that wants to see it fail or maybe reddit, who the fuck knows. And now it’s taken the risk of adding thousands of extremely pissed off and sleighted leftists to that, completely unnecessarily, because you know damn well they absolutely wanted to play nicely. Are these the actions of an instance carefully thinking about its health(avoiding drama that inspires unstoppable wrecker behaviour that constantly cripples the site) and maximising its growth(networking with and promoting the transition of users from elsewhere) while promoting a positive environment(making people nice to each other instead of hostile)? Fuck no they’re not.

  • Communism is not a magic button, it is a process of development. Reaching the higher-stage communism you’re referring to is very likely to be outside any of our lifetimes it is far easier to talk about socialism as the transitional state between capitalism and eventual communism. Communists being in power doesn’t mean we magically press a button and suddenly everyone lives in a utopia of stateless material abundance, it just means the socialist state is working towards it, the transition between capitalism and communism.

    What the socialist state itself looks like differs widely based on the conditions, just like capitalism has a huge amount of variance based on the conditions. Each nation has very different needs, problems and cultural idiosyncrasies that result in the socialist state needing to look quite different for each of them. The outcome is ultimately determined by those conditions, and by the conditions imposed upon it in its defence of itself against capitalist onslaught attempting to destroy it.

  • probably? Otherwise I don’t know. It is the most competently run in terms of not engaging in this defederation bullshit outside of illegal/hate content, but it also took part in actively trying to push users to move here. I’m almost certain that they’ll regret having done that given what this community is doing though and won’t be actively promoted by anymore.

    Will take some time to go through the others and figure out who isn’t being ridiculous. Then I guess everyone will start promoting the one that makes the most sense.

  • Achieved by the ideology of the very people you’re currently suppressing. All you’re doing is moving this community hard-right, alienating the left by saying “this is not for you”.

    How do you think this discussion is gonna go down every single time this community ever gets linked anywhere now? It’s gonna be “the community that banned socialists” and it’s gonna attract the neoliberals and the far right as a result while ensuring everyone that leans remotely left says “oh, fuck that then”. It’s a completely shortsighted move for the future of the instance. It’s going to have nazi bar syndrome.

    As soon as we had that PM where you said “survival of the fittest” to me I knew something was up. You literally quoted Thatcherite/Ayn Randian philosophy to justify selectively not intervening in name squatting and community theft, a move that completely fucked over this instance’s potential to work with any subreddit modteams in further hastening the reddit migration. Livid that I was led on by this place to begin with.