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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Weight training can be super dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can easily do significant damage to your back or knees doing fairly basic exercises like a deadlift or squat incorrectly.

    Especially as weight training is increasingly encouraged for the elderly, personal training seems a fairly reasonable job. Admittedly, like any other job, there are folks who provide little to no value (think of the teachers just waiting to collect their pensions) but that’s not to say it can’t be a super useful industry.

  • Part of this always makes me uneasy. I grew up knowing a lot of kids from rough backgrounds who loved sports but also went to a private school where a lot of folks looked down at stupid sports fans. To me, there’s always been an unpleasant whiff of classism to these anti sports takes. While sports finds fans at every strata, it’s hard to deny that the poorer one is the more likely you are to be into sports. (Go to any working man’s bar during a game night.) And it just has this taint of “sportsball is a waste of time for stupid poor people do and there are such better uses for the time and money!” And I just think back a couple months ago when I caught a playoff game in a veterans bar, watched as we scored and the whole bar waited patiently as an older Indigenous lady “ran” up and down the aisles draped in her Canucks cape to wild applause from the crowd. It’s moments of joy shared by complete strangers who might have nothing else in common but come together for these magical moments.

    Edit: I don’t mean to imply or say that opposing sports is inherently classist or that you are being so.

    I get where you’re coming from on the use of space. But, at least in my hometown, our arena is used almost every night; it hosts I think three or four different sports leagues (well, a few sports leagues plus, ugh, e-sports) as well as all concerts, comedians and expos. (To the point where our local team often has to do ridiculous road trips because of the arena scheduling.) Or you could look at Paris for the Olympics which used the opportunity to clean the Seine as well as put a literally world class swimming facility in a run down neighbourhood as part of a revitalization. (Or, back to my city, Vancouver, we used it to add a mass transit train line which has spurred a bunch of lower cost housing around stops, put in a few popular facilities in underserved areas.)

    Some fields are much less multipurpose but the parking lots, that’s just a consequence of American transit etc. And while I think it’s ridiculous how much some local governments pay for stadiums and I wouldn’t want my government to do s but, they do it because those teams are incredibly popular. To blame their popularity and the poor decisions of governments on the sports though seems a little like getting angry at journalism because Russia, Hungary and others use it for nefarious ends.

    fans fanaticism can utterly destroy local towns after a bad kick or pass or whatever.

    I mean, I don’t think any town has been burned to the ground. We had two of the worst North American sports riots twice in the last 30 years (yay) but the destruction was pretty limited to a small section of downtown and it was more just embarrassing than anything else. And frankly, any city that has a fanbase large and passionate enough to riot is probably a city that really loves that sports team. Even though we’ve rioted twice, every time the playoffs come around, the city is awash in Canucks gear, little flags, towels etc.

    I don’t really have a problem with youth sports. But it shouldn’t be a “profession”.

    I don’t think you get youth sports without professional sports. We have lacrosse leagues (technically our national sport) but almost no one plays, it’s not the same without your heroes whom you’ve watched growing up. Watch even young kids practicing or fooling around, a good number of them will have their favourite player’s jersey on.

    On the finances or advancement, okay, let’s consider a simple one, pets. Americans spend more than 180 billion on their pets every year! They provide some psychological benefits but so do sports. That money could feed every hungry person in America maybe 6 or 7 times over. That’s not to mention the environmental damage etc. But, rich people are as likely if not more to have pets and everyone basically finds them cute so, they aren’t referred to as a waste of resources.

  • I’m not sure how applicable mine are but here goes:

    About a decade ago, I got back into soccer as an adult. I played as a kid so it wasn’t as bad but my fitness took a couple years to get back up to snuff and I had a bunch of pulled muscles the first couple years. Now though, it’s my favourite thing and I play 3 times a week (which is admittedly, too many times) and for those three hours, I don’t think about the world, work, politics, life or anything, all that matters is keeping a ball out of our net. (And of course I’ve made some great friends along the way.)

    As part of the getting back into shape, I’ve really dug swimming. It’s easy on these old man muscles and you can feel the improvement. (the hot tub afterwards is pretty nice too.)

    I also got back into reading non fiction. I hadn’t looked for anything really new or interesting since the mid 00s, and reddit for all its faults had some really interesting suggestions in r/fantasy and r/sciencefiction which were a blast to read!

    During the pandemic, I tried video games. Not really for me but some folks love them.

    There’s an independent theatre down the street and I love just popping in and seeing what weird and wild stuff they have. Sure, at home is cheap but there’s something amazing about the big screen especially for a slower movie that would be way too tempting to bust out a phone for. I would never have made it through Lawrence of Arabia, the Good the Bad and the Ugly or Skinamarink without busting out a phone if I hadn’t been in a theatre.

    There are some great little indie music venues in my city, there’s something refreshing about watching a young garage band that’ll go nowhere but is having a blast.

    Some of my buddies are really into board games, which are fun. Not quite my thing but I fully get it.

    I dunno, maybe some of those appeal? But really, I think the question is what are you interested in? What makes you smile? Or what has made you smile in the past?

  • Lauchs@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlCapitalist logix
    13 days ago

    This is what I always find amusing about the Communist argument.

    Like, the elected politicians and bureaucracy can’t be trusted enough to regulate industry under capitalism so we’ll centralize things and then trust them to regulate industry under Communism?

    Edit: whoof, should’ve thought about human nature when I dared to criticize communism. Almost lime there is another lesson somehwere there.

    so, it’s the goddamn weekend. How does everyone have so much free time this late on a Saturday? I’ll do my best to get back to y’all on a dirty capitalist’s time slot.

  • I really hate the “non productive” argument as you only see it with sports, not say, the video game or movie/tv industries. Just has this real whiff of “I don’t like this activity and I don’t see why anyone else should!”

    Of all the non productive uses of money and time, at least sports has a bunch of ancillary benefits, especially for youth. I don’t imagine youth sports leagues, which keep kids in shape, keeps them doing something positive instead of the usual juvenile delinquent stuff we’d have been doing, teaching them to be a part of a team etc. And then those stadiums tend to get used for a bunch of cultural/musical events.