Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Yeah like it’s not always a bad thing to commit resources with less than perfect efficiency. Having renewable energy is better than having none every time.

    It’s not so much that they’re rare as there is a known limited supply of them, and the means of harvesting them currently creates a lot of pollution. Fossil fuels are obviously worse in this regard. And even nuclear has a limited supply in terms of naturally available fuel sources.

    Renewable energy should be operated in the manner that best protects the environment, and we should be trying to waste as little possible in operating it. For those reasons, I think efficiency and sunlight hours are important considerations. The fossil fuel industry is extremely wasteful and destructive. The renewable industry should be the opposite of that.

    Small solar installations of a few panels, sure like they don’t need perfect efficiency. But if we’re committing hundreds or even thousands of panels to an installation? We should maximize efficiency.

  • Depends. Are there lots of tall buildings around the parking lot? Solar panels are made of a lot of rare metals and so we have to be very selective about where we install them to maximize energy output. For this region large open spaces near the equator work well. Not that they can’t work elsewhere, or couldn’t work over a parking lot, but there’s a lot of variables that have to be considered on each individual level.

  • Don’t date conservatives, don’t sleep with them, don’t befriend them, don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization. Unless you’re in a situation where you have to, where cutting ties or ending the relationship/friendship will make you unsafe or put your livelihood or your home life at risk, you should cut them off. I cut ties with a lot of old friends who became conservatives. It’s not a normal tolerable thing to be conservative. No one who believes the things they do should be tolerated. Their beliefs should, at the least, come at the cost of their relationships and friendships.

    Conservatives do not respect human rights and human dignity. They do not believe that men and women are equal, that rich and poor are equal, or that black people and white people are equal. They’ll make a facade of tolerant behavior that immediately crumbles under any scrutiny to show their bigotry. These bigots have governed every conceivable aspect of our lives for far too long.

  • Trans women or trans feminine people is fine. The other way you’ve been seemingly corrected towards is reminiscent of “TIM” and “TIF” which are two transphobic terms meant to invalidate trans people.

    Your little “less so from the T part” belies something of your beliefs here. You also, again, have no clue what you’re talking about. Living in a particular area does not instill in you broad understandings of the sociopolitical beliefs of some demographic. Just that the people you’ve met in that area have, in your perception, been more likely to hold those views.

    Does not pan out in reality. I have a feeling I know how you’re going to respond to this. I’d love to see you prove that inkling wrong.

  • Idk what trans women you have met but conservative views are extremely unpopular in the entirety of the transgender community. Being alt-right would get you entirely ostracized and barred from accessing most trans communities and spaces. Queer people are significantly less likely to be conservative than cisgender heterosexual people.

    I also have no clue why you describe trans women that way. “t-female-presenting people”. You can just call us trans women, or transfeminine people if you’re including feminine non-binary people as well.

  • Yeah. I think one fantastic step is not to outsource this to people in countries who can be paid several orders of magnitude lower than the minimum wage they can be paid in the states (which is already pitifully low).

    I also feel like this can’t be someone’s full time job. You just can’t do this full time. People who do content moderation should be rotated on and off of checking content. They also shouldn’t have KPI metrics. They should have enough time to process after seeing one of these things. Whole thing is criminally inhumane.

    And yeah, idk why AI can’t auto-remove video/image content and it’s only human reviewed if it’s appealed.

  • Pre transition I wasn’t subjected to it so, I only ever knew it as it was applied to other people. It was gross and exploitative but not in a way that I personally experienced. There was a bit of detachment from that, I didn’t properly recognize it for what it was because my own dysphoria and discomfort made me somewhat oblivious to it.

    When I first transitioned the male gaze felt like some metric I had to compare myself to if I wanted to be accepted. I started to subtly invalidate myself by all the ways my body differed from what was expected of me as a woman. It became a source of constant self dismissal and a feeling that I didn’t live up to expectations of womanhood, and therefore wouldn’t be accepted as a woman.

    After several years of hormones and then bottom surgery I started to gain confidence in myself and I started to notice a lot more the way men look at me. The experience has honestly sucked as much as it is validating. I know I look good, that I’m conventionally attractive. I’m uncomfortable in a lot of settings due to that. I’m good at hiding my discomfort and maintaining my confidence even when I’m being leered at. But nontheless it makes me feel gross a lot of the time. I’m a gay woman, so it also feels like a part of me is being consumed without my consent just by me passively existing somewhere. Like going to the grocery store and noticing the guy staring at you standing next to his wife. He should know the way him staring makes me feel but if he does know he doesnt care. The way people treat me is totally different too. People being genuinely very nice and happy to speak with me. It’s made me understand in a personal way not just how passing is a privilege but being seen as desirable by men is too. I’m still young so my experiences are still growing. I want to be a mom someday and I think a lot about how my children will be subjected to this too.

  • Gender affirmation only counts to them if it defies the sex or gender binary. They’re completely fine with people modifying their bodies to affirm their masculinity or femininity so long as they were assigned male or female at birth accordingly.

    Trans people pursuing medical transition are such a small percentage of the population that cis people getting hormone therapy or affirming surgeries will always dwarf the number of trans people who are. Throw in all of the ways we affirm the gender of cis people, through language and fashion and culture and so on, and it’s evident what their gripe is. It’s never been about children receiving gender affirmation, merely their conviction that transgender people do not exist or are immoral and evil and shouldn’t exist. There’s a reason modern transphobia is highly intertwined with fascism. To believe that an entire group of people, based solely on their gender, is immoral and evil is only possible through a lense of dehumanization and conspiracy. Something they are especially good at. We are too few in number and too disparate to counteract the efforts of fascists, who by themselves outnumber us in every way.