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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Because it’s a massive franchise. When you go into a Starbucks they want it to taste the same no matter where you get one. People are creatures of habit and it’s easier to get someone to get the same thing than it is to try out local shops wherever they go because it might be bad or too different from what they normally prefer. It’s one of the reasons fast food chains are / were very popular in the US. It’s not about the quality, it’s about the consistency

  • I would argue a very different take on that data. We know stress reduces longevity due to weakened immune systems, higher blood pressure, and various other factors that go along with high levels of stress. I would say that it’s more of the silent generation feeling comfortable with finally coming out as who they are rather than being LGBTQ+ increasing lifespan. In fact I’d say it probably reduced a lot of their lifespans due to constant stress of “being found out” along with the physical attacks that were far more common in their time.

    While that’s a terrible thing, I think we’re going to see what the true percentage of people that identify as LGBTQ in the coming years. A good comparison is left handed people. Before it was taboo and looked down upon. After it become normalized the percentage of left handed people quickly jumped to 10% and has remained there more or less.

  • We’re entering a bit of uncharted territory when it comes to El Niño And La Niña (simplified explanation, El Niño hotter and La Niña colder). Normally they last about 9-12 months. We Just exited a triple dip La Niña (2020-2023), and the last one was 1998-2001, and before that 1973-1976. Now in the past this multi year La Niña followed a strong El Niño, and scientists had a few theories that mostly revolved around the planet cooling due to thermo differences across the surface. The issue with this recent La Niña is that it did not follow a strong El Niño, and the La Niña effect caused the jet stream to weaken significantly in 2023, it is very important for cooling different areas of the planet, weakening hurricanes, and many other things. Right now we’re in a neutral state and likely to shift over to an El Niño later this year. Meaning what we’ve seen as of late could be a good bit worse when El Niño occurs.

    We are also in a time period where the solar cycle is peaking (most likely to peak in 2025). While we’re not exactly sure about the climate impacts of the solar activity, we do know it means more storms and magnetic waves hitting the Earth, and with global warming our atmosphere has expanded a bit and there could be more unexpected effects such as issues with GPS, aviation, and satellites…

    All in all we’re not entirely certain as to why 2023 was that much hotter and there are many theories, , but based on history we could experience a significantly hotter 2024. Also, if the trend continues it could mean that’s 2023 was a freak year for us, but in the future it could become the norm.

    I know this doesn’t really answer the question, but at the moment there is no finite answer. However, due to these irregularities occurring it does not look good down the road and we won’t know for certain until it happens.

  • I found the pacing of the first book to be too slow for me as well. The first one or two stories were properly paced in my opinion, but then it felt sluggish. That being said, the show makes a few changes to the story and it doesn’t change the story overall, but it does give a more action feel to it rather than a slow mysterious dystopian drama.