BookWyrm: Mastodon:

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Yeah of course the comment on who likes/dislikes it isn’t universal, it’s just something I heard mentioned at some point.

    I’m someone who can struggle with minutae like what I mentioned in the spoiler section, so that’s probably a big part of why I disliked it. Like I said, I do understand why so many people like it - Gabrielle Zevin has great prose and the overall character development is interesting and compelling. I just struggled with some parts.

    I’m glad you liked it!

  • I recently finished Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, and while I can see why other people enjoyed it, it was not for me.

    Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow spoilers

    I’ve heard that the people who love this book tend to not play many video games, and those who dislike it do, and that holds true for me. While the characters are interesting at times and their development was done pretty well, I just could not get over how the video game design itself was described. Like, take Ichigo for example. It was the first game they developed together and described in the most detail. They talk about the art design, and the story, and the gender of the protagonist, but never once do they say what genre it is. Is it a platformer? Action? RPG? The genre of a game is the most important aspect of it, because all gameplay and mechanics play off of it in order to tell the story.

    Not to mention the fact that some of the games did things that are really just not possible in gaming storylines, like that Pioneers chapter towards the end of the book. You can do that sort of thing in a text-based roleplay forum, but not in an MMORPG as described in the book.

    Also, while I was very young when some of these games were developed and wasn’t in tune with technology then, some of the descriptions of it struck me as odd. Several times there were references to “burning out” several graphics cards and processors in a short amount of time trying to create certain visual effects in a game engine, for an indie PC game designed in 1997. Maybe computer components were just more delicate back then but… that just feels weird.

    Finally, Sadie’s vendetta against Sam really bothered me. Not that she found some things that Sam did a betrayal or wrong - I might as well if it were me! What bugged me the most was that she forgave Dov, her abusive ex, much more readily than Sam, her well-intentioned (if misguided at times) friend. And what she was initially upset about was Sam wanting her to speak to Dov! I just don’t understand that, and it wasn’t well justified to me at all.

    Also, the shooting was unnecessary and only served as “haha gamers are violent” to me.

  • I’ll list two, nonfiction and fiction.

    For nonfiction, I’d have to say How to Say Babylon by Safiya Sinclair. It’s a memoir of a woman who grew up in a strict Rastafari household in Jamaica. Safiya is a poet and she has a beautiful command of language that makes her descriptions lyrical, haunting, or painful as needs be. However, if you generally need content warnings I would highly recommend looking them up for this book because she does not pull any punches.

    For fiction, my favorite would probably be Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett (Storygraph went down in the middle of me writing this lol, will edit the link in later). It’s a lovely fantasy novel set in an alternate Earth where fae are real. You follow a Dryadologist as she works on documenting a rare type of fae while she works on her encyclopaedia of faeries (hence the title lol). I enjoyed being in Emily’s head as she worked through the problems presented to her, and as she interacted with her colleague.

  • That portion is anecdotal. These stories come from either before there were ethics guidelines in psychology so people were studying their own children, or reviews of child abuse cases where the parent was forcing a different identity on their children. This is not something that is possible to (ethically) run an empirical study on, unfortunately.

  • Gender expression and gender stereotypes are societal constructs. A person’s sense of their own gender is (probably) not. There have been many times where people have tried to raise their child as a different gender than the child was assigned at birth, and the child 99% of the time identifies with the gender assigned at birth, at the same rate as the general cisgender population. There have also been studies of identical twins where if one twin is trans, the other twin often is as well, at a much higher rate than fraternal twins.

    There is a genetic component and a constructed component to gender.

    Edit: wording.

    Edit 2: See my comment below with sources on the twins study - it’s possible I was misinformed on this. The results of studies are mixed.

  • I have been reading the Wheel of Time series for the first time (by Robert Jordan). Currently starting Crown of Swords, book 7.

    Recently placed a request in my library for the following, hopefully they’ll be coming in within the next week:

    • How Far the Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures by Sabrina Imbler

    • Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

  • I don’t think the term “neurodivergent” implies there’s nothing wrong with you and you don’t need treatment. Neurodivergent is also used to describe bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder. The term means that there is a structural difference in how the brain deveops in comparison to neurotypical people, as opposed to a “chemical imbalance” as is often used to describe mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, which you can be born with but you can also develop due to trauma.

  • I have 3 cross stitch projects I’m working on right now.

    This first one is actually finished, but I need to get around to washing and framing it. It was a Christmas present for my father, so hopefully I can get it done soon 😅 It’s of Zion National Park which is in Utah, and is one of his favorites. The pattern is by Awesome Pattern Studio

    Zion National Park

    This next one is a silly one that I started last pride month and has been sitting at about 80% done for a year, so I intend to finish this pride month - the bi pride opossum. Just need to finish the foliage. The pattern is by Studio Ansitru

    Bi Pride Opossum

    Finally my monster WIP, the 2021 stitchalong from Modern Folk Embroidery. Hoping to get this one done within this year. Since it’s only 2 colors it actually works up pretty quickly. Pattern is by Modern Folk Embroidery

    Modern Folk Embroidery 2021 SAL

    Those are all of my WIPs for now. I have the materials for another project on order and possibly arriving on Friday.