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Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • Critical thinking and how to cross check your sources to verify if something is true are invaluable skills.

    I graduated high school in 2006 and we had to learn both of those in order write research papers. I grew up in a blue state, and went to public school. My English teacher also taught us that “anyone can get a book published, or write an article online, so always cross check your sources and make sure they aren’t making stuff up.”

    They taught us those skills so we could write papers for college, but I feel like they’re even more important now just for navigating the internet.

  • Wow. DeSantis is going for gold in the “I’m a complete piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to exist on the same planet as the rest of us” race.

    Also, banning abortion isn’t going to increase the “domestic source of babies” that’s supposed to keep the economy going. If they’re so worried about our future population maybe fix the school shooting issue with gun control? It’s kinda hard to grow a population when children(and adults) keep getting killed by mass shooters.

    Oh yeah, the population issue is just a dog whistle to torture women. Yes, torture. Dying slowly from sepsis because a hospital won’t remove a dead baby from your body should classify as torture.

    People like DeSantis are actually evil. They make up ‘problems’ so they can justify enacting cruel legislation. Please let a sink hole randomly open up swallow that asshole.

  • This is true. My extended family leans conservative but is from the far north(think border of Canada north.) It’s honestly really weird how the more rural you get, the more republican people are.

    However, my cousins and the younger members are far more left than the older members(are lgtbq friendly, support BLM, acknowledge climate change is real ect) some of them left the area and some stayed, but in general the difference in generations has given me some hope.

  • Ugh these motherfuckers get literally every grain of truth wrong. Trees do prevent flooding(studied to be an arborist and utilizing trees in urban environments for cooling and flood control), BUT the amount of trees cleared for wind turbines is negligible compared to what we’ve cut down for parking lots and industrial complexes(pavement increases flooding).

    Besides, no amount of trees is going to take care of that amount of rainfall in that period of time. Even if everything was forest there’s only so much they can absorb. Some of them would uproot and tip over from the ground becoming so water logged. I’ve seen it happening in our forests from an unusually wet summer. Entire portions of forest where the trees just fell over from too much water in the soil after 3 years of drought.

  • I see your point, I do. But I also see theirs. There will be no one around in the future to enjoy or make art if we continue fucking up the world with fossil fuels the way we are.

    Maybe it’d be better to walk around posting little signs on the paintings descriptions with a catch phrase like “like art? Stop fossil fuels” then a little blurb about how there’ll be no art in the future if there is no future.

    That’s probably how I’d handle it, maybe even try to work with the museum so the signs wouldnt get taken down. But, that doesn’t get media attention. It’d never end up in the news. Maybe after contacting 50 museums it’d get a small mention, but ultimately no one would care.

    Our current news cycles don’t encourage people to act civilly when trying to be heard. So that’s why this sort of extreme behavior keeps happening. It’s a vicious feedback loop and just like climate change we don’t seem to be making any moves to stop it.

  • Well I guess they get dead women now.

    There needs to be a group of lawyers out there with spines of steel to take on a class action lawsuit(or several) to sue the fuck out of each of the states and politicians who pushed these anti-woman laws through and they resulted in women dying or being injured by healthcare being withheld… as mandated by the laws.

    These soulless pieces of shit only understand money, getting sued into the ground should get their fucking attention. I’d prefer jailtime, but Donald Dump shows republican shitheads don’t go to jail, so I say class action lawsuit time.

  • In my area the types of guys into outdoorsy stuff also tend to trash their campsites.

    I can’t count the number of times I go hiking and find beer/monster/soda cans, empty beefjerky bags, lead fishing weights that were cut off and left next to the rest of the garbage, piles of empty shotgun shells(not just one or two that were missed or fell out of a pocket), cigarette butt’s and boxes, ect.

    It’s always really shitty to find a part of the forest like that. Especially if I can see where there was tree stand above the pile of garbage. I get that deer are basically overpopulated due to milder winters, but take care of the forest my dudes.

  • The problem is people applying laws like castle doctrine outside of situations that they were intended for… then shitty judges allow it to be applied outside of those situations… resulting in these random ass killings for people knocking on doors. It’s messed up and horrible.

    But at the same time a few years ago a family near my friends house had someone break in, killed the two parents and then chased down the son and killed him in the woods. The young man tried to retreat and was killed anyway. THEN they robbed the house. They were looking for stuff to steal and sell for drugs. Then they set the house on fire.


    If someone is legitimately breaking into your house you should be able to defend yourself if you can’t get away. It doesn’t need to be a gun, but you should not go to jail for hurting someone who is in your house who is not supposed to be there.

    There’s no way to tell if that person is just a burglar or might fucking kill you over your stuff. What are you supposed to do? Ask them? “Excuse me criminal, are you the murderous type or just a burglar?”

    Obviously leave if you can, but this case shows running away doesn’t always work. That poor family.

  • Dude, I 100% get what your saying.

    Unfortunately what your asking of people requires personal sacrifice, and people will mentally go all over the place to resist that.

    A personal anecdotes is that I’m no longer in contact with my family because I refused to see my racist grandfather on his deathbed and didn’t attend his funeral.

    My grandfather was an abusive, literal stereotype of a racist(would say things like “them n-words down the road are fucking up this town”) and a raging alcoholic. The world is better because he’s fucking dead. Now I don’t have a family of origin because I wouldn’t pretend he was a good person.

    Men will lose friends and family if they start calling this shit out. It’s hard. You get told to “mind your business” or "it’s just a joke " or get your masculinity questioned. Or the whole “but they’re family” thing. I get why people resist it. No one wants to lose their social support, but often that’s what it comes down to, and they’ll make it feel like you’re the one who’s in the wrong the whole time.

    Social pressure is a hell of a thing. I think framing the context around why men don’t call this stuff out will help them recognize why they should.