A person interested in nature, science, sustainability, music, and videogames. I’m also on Mastodon: @glennmagusharvey@scicomm.xyz and @glennmagusharvey@sakurajima.moe

My avatar is a snapping turtle swimming in the water.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Your mentioning using stuff from tlieset packs (which I presume you made) actually made me wonder about something – I’m definitely not a skilled visual artist myself, but I do have various very well-made asset packs that I’ve picked up over the years (mainly due to the giant bundles on itch.io), so maybe I could actually try stitching a scene together from them sometime. Could be a fun way to spend an hour or two when bored, and I could do something with these purchases while also being able to show off the work of a variety of pixel artists to friends.

  • Thanks for the encouragement to just jump in and do stuff, gaming and otherwise.

    I’ve found myself having a hard time finding dedicated time to play games (i.e. without worrying about something else “over my shoulder”) and I’ve also found myself seemingly unable to “learn” new genres of games despite my wanting to get into them (so I often end up playing genres I’m already familiar with). I suspect these are related, and I also suspect that just jumping in and doing stuff more spontaneously will probably help improve things.

  • Always good to see two of my interests intersecting :D

    Anyway yeah I love playing older games and low-hardware-requirements games. I find that they’re also generally more accessible because of that.

    And there’s far more games than anyone will ever play in a lifetime. Not even all the games one wants to play.

    There are maybe some concerns that older hardware does use more electricity, but that’s probably more than made up by not buying new devices, unless you’re using them very heavily.