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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Well, the statue will be more than material when he will be judged by the law.

    The most funny thing is that you believe the infernal potentates are all aligned and following a ruler. By definition the hellish powers are independent and individual in their scopes and objectives, Satan fought God exactly because he didn’t recognize its ultimate authority over his own free will. Confusing Satan with Baphomet is like confusing Drumpf and Putin: they both are evil and terrible people supporting one another when their interests collide while also ready to jump at each other throat should the situation require so, but I would never accuse Drumpf of having moved war to Ukraine since it was Putin to do so.

    But I don’t see you as a reasonable person so I presume this distinction will fall flat at your feet. Oh well, nothing bad, the guy will still be judged for his actions and will suffer the consequences (hopefully) for his sensless violence. Keep seething in your ignorance good boy

  • Sorry to hear that, it’s the same for us in Italy tho where our taxes are also used to support religious schools. Furthermore, churches and any business associated with the Catholic church do not pay any tax at all thanks to Mr. Mussolini and the lateranensi pacts who defined anything religious as exempted from state control or overview; so we are not only robbed by force through our taxes being distributed to catholic schools, but we are also robbed of all the missing income we could collect from church activities who turn a profit at the end of the month (and they are many, surprisingly priests seem to love money very much. Probably as much as jesoous)

  • Yeah, I know, but even his story is far from being over. He might be dead but his clan and his way if conducting business are certainly not over: assuming the opposite is exactly what mafia would like us to know since it requires ignorance from both the people and the state to thrive at the best of its abilities.

    Cave semper canem when talking about mafia and choose your words carefully as they are vmmasters if trickery and deception on top of being horrible human beings (if such kind of animals can be even called “humans” at this point).

    Peppino Impastato forever an hero, Messina Denaro forever a shitstain on the heel of the Italian boot

  • You seem to equate a family not having a body with not having news of that soldier. But Ukraine has been collecting and identifying Russian bodies since the start of the war, and notifying families wherever possible. Many of the soldiers also have their own phones, and those phones have told the west a great deal about what is really going on behind Russian lines. Yet you seem sure that none of those soldiers would use their phones to speak of deaths within the unit. Interesting take.

    You seem to forget that, following the bombing caused by a massive presence of phone signals in a single spot, Russia has been much more careful in letting its trooper use their cellphones. Beside that I imagine a family not having any news from his relatives at the front would be anxious for their loved ones and would start asking questions, even if it meant facing criminal charges. Ukraine can identify a portion of the bodies from the battlefield I imagine, and they would be able to reach the families of an even small percentage I reckon.

    LOL. Think that over a bit and get back to me. Seriously.

    I’ve thought about it and I really can’t see who can pay Wagner’s operators salaries, let alone arming them according to their standards (much better than the Russian army ones, can we agree on that?).

    As far as I know Russia pays its soldiers 300-400€ a month and Wagner mercenaries are paid circa 2k (those who are not serving instead of being in a cell). Prigozhin was capable of providing for Wagner through his affairs in Africa and through the money he got from the Kremlin, will Putin be able to substitute such an income? What will happen if not? I’ve got my answers but they are just hypotheticals, who will live will see.

    True enough. But that does not make either of us an expert on Russian affairs. His article does make one of us a fantasy writer, though.

    He certainly knows Wagner better than you since he probably met them on the battlefield.

    Works for me, lol. It’s just an opinion, and everyone’s got one.

    But it helps, when forming an opinion, to acquaint oneself with all available fact first. And to be completely honest, you didn’t even spot the most questionable opinion in my post. (Hint: Who is Sergei Shoigu?) But keep working on it, because as far as I’m concerned the more people that are interested in the subject as whole, whether right or wrong, the better.

    Thank you for taking the time to state your disagreement.

    No problems, it’s a pleasure to have a conversation about these thematics since there is always to learn about any subject. In this sense, who is Sergei Shoigu? What I know about him is that he is a Putin sycophant only good as a yes man and coming from a political career scarcely linked to any military activity. Am I missing any information about the man?