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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s their right. Unless you’re advocating arm taking away their rights. I would argue that we should heavily focus on education instead.

    Until such time as we can instill in the average person the desire to be informed and think critically. Yes it’s basically Human Nature.

    As an anarchist in a red state. I tried to do my best to keep those around me informed and dispel misinformation. Because if anything goes down or something is to happen. It’s the people around us that we’ll have to rely on. Most of them don’t want to hear it however. And just shut down. Especially the trumpers. They’re particularly easy to shut down. Since there’s no evidence of any of their beliefs. Which is exactly why they shut down.

    Even the anti-trump ones have low tolerance for discussing it. For Generations it’s been a taboo/gauche thing to do talking politics publicly. Though they do generally agree with me.

  • Eeeeh, not really. I’m not particularly for a global currency. But a Global Currency that wasn’t controlled by oligarchs or a Vanguard. But instead by the global community. In a truly Democratic and representative way. Would be just fine. Though it’s not feasible In Our Lifetime our children’s lifetime or their children’s lifetime even at the very earliest. If ever.

    Replacing the US with China and the dollar with the yuan. Is at best a lateral move. And is still going to see just as many people if not more exploited. Remember China has spent the last 50 years exploiting their own population hardcore. And are now expanding into doing it internationally just like the United States did. Worse when these two groups who are all at least starting to stagnate right now by the way. Decide that they want to send innocent proletariat to die in the name of their hoarded wealth and power. It will absolutely be worse for all of us.

  • You’re assuming the average person even watches the news or coverage of such things. And if you keep assuming that you’re going to be confused and have a bad time like you currently are.

    After school and they come home and watch YouTube videos on Minecraft Roblox or the latest rap beef. They aren’t watching Hassan or vaush. Hell they aren’t even watching the YouTube clips from the cable news networks. They are completely disengaged from reality and current events. Being engaged in all those things is not something that average people value. They should. But ragging on them saying that they’re blind if they don’t see it. That’s just it they are blind. They don’t see the coverage of it at all. They’re not missing some nuance. They’re missing the coverage completely. Short of making Civics and politics cool with the youth. That’s not going to change either.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldDonald Trump's Gen Z popularity plunges
    16 hours ago

    4 years ago they were just barely Beyond being a tween. Likely being raised by your average indoctrinated American parents. Who don’t talk about politics or current events. Despite seeing all the things going on around them never understanding why. Or caring to find out. Because that’s not what school teaches. Not what Society teaches.

  • Yes there are. Specifically I would be a libertarian-congress or an anarco-communist.

    However. Regardless of propaganda. One cannot be authoritarian. Or for a strong centralization of authority and State power. And actually be communist. They are conflicting goals. The workers cannot in any meaningful sense control the means of production. When they are oppressed by a dictatorial Vanguard. That imprisons/beats/slaughters any dissenters. The Vanguard owns the means of production in that scenario. They will still tell you that they are you. Even as they strangle and stomp on you. However it’s just a sick joke.

    Conversely, actual libertarianism. Left libertarianism. Especially the kind advocated for by the originator of libertarianism Dejacque, as well as anarchism. Are in near complete and total harmony with communism. The only rub being how absolute the call from Mutual Aid is and how voluntary it is. Both ideologies being heavily predicated on consent and freedom.

  • It’s not rhetorical. ML, Leninism is called that because it literally isn’t communism. Otherwise they’d just call it communism. It’s a cunning master plan to build an economy capable of somehow transitioning to communism. How? Good question. Even the ideologies creators didn’t really explain it properly. It literally fits the 3 step meme.

    Step 1: slaughter everyone that disagrees with you.

    Step 2: ???

    Step 3: communism!

    My criticism of Leninism isn’t defense of anyone. As an anarchist I’m anti-authoritarian whether they’re liberal/leninist/maoist. You’re all a danger to yourselves and everyone else. Regardless of how much everyone despising each other or constant whataboutism. Under capitalism oligarchs buy our representation. Turn them against us. Putting the boot at our necks. Under leninism. The Vanguard party consolidates power. Killing or imprisoning anyone who is a threat no matter how small. And rewarding friends and family with wealth and power. All the while the boot at the throat of the proletariat they’re supposed to be serving. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. They all need to be torn down.

  • Absolutely. Anyone posting about Biden, Harris, or Democrats committing genocide etc. Especially still now. Is either just virtue signaling or trying to sew discord, and not actually interested in helping anyone but themselves.

    It was a disingenuous claim from the start. It really downplays what genocide is. I say this as someone who’s family has been subjected to various forms of genocide by the US government as recently as my grandparents.

    The US government as a whole has been enabling genocide in Palestine for at least a half century. And that’s shameful enough without false accusations. Well, they might become true now. But even then it’s not about any one person. Even Trump. He couldn’t do much without the craven, spineless and bigoted Republican party. And even they would struggle with out all the self-interested Democrats on the dole as well. The system is the problem. Swapping out any individual won’t even make a dent. And anyone who implies or acted like it would should have been ridiculed from the start.