• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • 100%

    But each practice involves different levels of risk. Kissing random strangers has a different level of risk from having anal sex with them, and a different level of risk from having oral sex, piss play, etc. Some stuff seems obvious, other stuff isn’t as intuitive. And for people who engage in risk behavior, knowing how risky it is makes all the difference in the world. Knowing that having anal sex with an escorts is way riskier than having vaginal sex with her makes all the difference in the world.

  • I’m not a charity institution. I use whatever is better/more cost-effective for my needs.

    I will, however, point out that the ability to migrate and/or downgrade (from paid to free for example) is something in which I place A LOT of value. I will use stuff that is substantially worse than the market leader simply because it allows me to take my shit and leave if I ever change my mind. Being able to move from a paid to a free plan when you are no longer using something is pretty important.

    Regarding your example, Proton VPN is on the higher end of VPNs. I consider it pricy, but they are trying to compete with OVPN. Paying because you need to support is an emotional decision. If you ever get enough money that you don’t care about paying another $5 to get a better service, go with them. Else, choose something paid but cheaper.

  • I only use Lemmy because RIF stopped working.

    I’m not an activist and do not tend to act when my bubble isn’t affected. When I heard all the commotion I thought “damn! I liked RIF. Welp, let’s download the new Reddit app. C’est lá vie.”

    I proceeded to download it and… IT ASKED ME FOR LOGIN CREDENTIALS 🤡!!!

    On that moment I gave up. One of my favorite things about Reddit was the pseudonym aspect of the site. I could see a post about some topic, create an specific pseudonym just to reply that post and preserve my identity and my main online aliases. I’m not against demanding information for accounts that post on the site and even taking measures to limit the number of aliases a single person can have. But demand login to lurk!? Fuck that! Complete greed. Absolutely barbaric!

  • Nah.

    I want to get nipple piercings because I want anybody who have sex with me to play with them and, as a bonus, humiliate me and degrade me. (yes, I know, body modifiers frown upon the sexualization of piercings, but I want them precisely because they are sexual, lol)

    But I don’t want Karen, Christian Mother of the Street, to be denouncing me to the police for being a gay freak of nature who will transmit homosexuality to her children when they see my piercings through my shirt.

  • In Brazil we had a social media site that was huge during the 2000s called Orkut, it was owned by Google. It was sort of a mix between Reddit and Facebook: you had your own profile with pictures but you could also join communities that were organized in a searchable manner, like Reddit. Several of those communities migrated to Facebook, but they lost A LOT because Facebook wasn’t meant to be used in this way.

    I think the same thing will happen with Reddit. It will be more like 9gag and less like Reddit. Communities like r/funny or r/whatcouldgowrong will prosper while communities like r/askhistory will move forward crippled.

    I don’t think Lemmy will get a relevant share of Reddit (on Reddit’s perspective) users. It has already obtained a relevant amount of Reddit users (on Lemmy’s perspective) and it should keep being pushed for Reddit orphans, but it will be smaller and communities here shouldn’t be as restrictive as they would be on Reddit. Instead of making c/dogs, make c/pets and include dog owners, bird owners, fish owners, else you will exclude people and have a dead community.

  • Half serious.

    There is nothing you can do. You can’t stop climate change and environmental destruction with your metal straws and reusable bags. You also can’t save animals in a global sense. You can only pick a few and help them. Individual effort means nothing and even NGOs and activists are futile in this struggle.

    Yes, those animals that you help shouldn’t reproduce because the whole problem arises from excessive use of resources and one more mouth to feed is one more mouth to suffer starvation. On the other hand, it’s so marginal that it doesn’t make any difference. Environmentalists really need to understand that Karen the vegan won’t make a difference, they need to make poor people from China, India and Africa refuse meat, poor people from Europe and America and middle class BRICS to refuse plastics and fuel, make sure that Nigeria never gets a middle class with cars and electronics, keep the US and Europe from renewing their car fleet even if they switch to electrics (they won’t throw the ones that were already made into the trash), to have a chance of making a difference. And that won’t happen because these people aren’t stupid, it would make their lives worse for what? To make sure that Karen the Vegan and her kids can stay rich in a proper climate while they spend 2 hours per day commuting? No, lol.