Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it’s biscuits.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • My wife is Asian and we live in the UK. Quite often when we meet people who instead of simply asking “what sort of job do you do” they ask things like “Do you work in the NHS”, “Are you a nurse”, “Do you work in a care home”.

    Some random person outside a shop asked me how much my Asian bride costs.

    My wife and son were getting off a bus and somebody asked her how much would she sell her son for.

    Probably a bunch more but that’s all that comes to mind atm.

  • I had a thought for a movie a while back. Perhaps it exists already. Sort of like the matrix and total recall combined. The movie starts with somebody on their deathbed after an accident or something (not really relevant what), family nearby. Emotional scene. Person slips away with eyes closed, then opens them but somewhere else. Zooms out to see they’re in a machine like a CT scanner. They’ve just lived an experience in the simulation. They then have to spend time coming to grips with what reality is for them. Is it still part of the simulation? Does it matter? What about their loved ones, does any of that even matter now? Were the loved ones other people in the simulation or some sort of programme. Life was easier in the simulation not ever wondering if it was a simulation.

  • We think my son might have autism and trying to engage with the school and health services for a bit of support. So far no luck. Anyway, because of this we’re learning a lot and I’m now starting to think perhaps I have a touch of it.

    I didn’t know a backpack was a thing. I take mine everywhere. Last year I met a group of friends I haven’t seen in years in a pub and I took my bag. They asked why do I have a bag. “It’s got my stuff in it”. They did enjoy trying my flash lights (I sometimes take two in case one runs out. It never has because they’re regularly charged)