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Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • I was going to say the love bombing didn’t last long, but actually, this is still part of it isn’t it, it’s an appeal directly to New Labour’s target audience, no matter how much they might deny it.

    The warnings were all there, those who chose to ignore them (and gaslight those of us who wouldn’t) were telling us loud and clear - they either don’t care about the marginalised groups that continue to be targeted (not to derail, but disability benefits for example are getting a similar “continue where the Tories left off” treatment), or they outright support the targeting. Either way, they are no allies of mine.

  • How do you deal with external problems you can’t solve around you? What is the moral thing to do here?

    You don’t, you deal with your internal problems, like classism, ableism, and general ignorance of these people’s circumstances. Instead take the time to understand, learn empathy, show compassion and solidarity, instead of disdain. You don’t have to give people money you don’t have, but the least you can do is show them basic respect (no, homeless people aren’t all alcoholics or addicts, but many of those who do drink or use drugs do so to try and ease the deep distress of being homeless. And no, homeless people aren’t dangerous, those who create a society where they have to exist to keep people like you in line, are). (Edit to clarify: once you care about homeless people, rather than fear and/or look down at them, and understand the many reasons that lead to homelessness, you’d be equipped to actually tackle the systemic issues, but you can’t do that if you refuse to see them)

    You are literally a blink of an eye away from being in their shoes, act like it.

  • At no point did I hold that individual responsible for the system (I literally hold landlords responsible at one point, but this story isn’t about landlords, is it??), but they ARE responsible for their own actions within said system, and for directly causing harm to this family (and I guarantee, many others) with the little power they yield (and before you even try - yes, landlords and those in power cause an altogether different level of harm, but until you’ve been faced with this kind of attitude and discrimination from the bootlicking gatekeepers who just love having a drop of power over the lives of others less fortunate than them, you don’t have a fucking clue the kind of deep and long lasting impact it has, not only mentally, but materially).

    Their own circumstances, which MANY share yet magically aren’t cruel arseholes, are not a fucking excuse nor justification for that kind of bigoted bullshit. I have no sympathy for those who have no sympathy for others, and who take their frustration with our world out by punching down instead of up.

    So you please keep in mind that excusing or brushing off this kind of attitude and behaviour tells people like me just how little value our lives and well being hold in your opinion.

    E: honestly, your comment is the perfect demonstration of why class reductionism isn’t just counter productive, but actively harmful, and why intersectionality is absolutely imperative if you hope to ever better society for everyone (because even if you improve the material conditions of this civil servant, it won’t magically make them no longer ableist or misogynist, only, maybe, less classist).

  • This makes my blood boil.

    It’d be bad enough if it was just any random person, but being disabled myself, I know far too well how difficult, to practically impossible, it can be to find a place that isn’t only suitable to live in, but where the landlords will even consider you in the first place instead of instantly putting your application in the reject pile because you or someone in your household is disabled (both of which result in a high rate of homelessness among disabled people).

    There are so many different and equally distressing levels of heinous to this bullshit, from misogyny to ableism, to classism, to just plain old wilful ignorance and cruelty.

    People like this civil servant should spend their time being eternally grateful to not be in such a position as this mother is, since they wouldn’t survive a fucking hour in her shoes.


  • We aren’t devolving into libertarianism where everyone hires private security.

    The fact that that’s the only option you can imagine (and that you’ve clearly refused to further educate yourself about other options that definitely do exist, by reading any of the links provided, some of which address your specific brand of bullshit, or any other relevant information that is freely available to you, because they challenge said bullshit) is down to you, not a reflection of reality.

    The problem will fix itself in months.

    Lmmfao, sorry, not that I was, but I doubly can’t take you seriously if you honestly believe this, since it removes any last shred of doubt about your wilful ignorance…