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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Catpurrple@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneButton Rule
    2 months ago

    Hmm, I’m a little surprised at how consistent the responses are, but I guess I shouldn’t be. I just know that if I did that spam until death and pass it all on to family thing that others here are about, well I wouldn’t trust my family to adequately handle big money after my death; they’d fuck it up, the greedy shitty ones would try and steal the will, keep some other family members from getting any; just anything to not just do what I wanted, and I wouldn’t be there to deal with it.

    But regardless, since I found out I was trans, 1% death chance is too big for me. I want to live and experience my life approximately closer to how it always should have been, even though I lost a couple decades getting there. Hell, just the million dollars, even if we say it’s somehow still taxed and the fed takes a bunch, could resolve all my debts, pay for all my trans surgeries, and I’d still have more to help my family without them just fucking it all up. But I still wouldn’t want to risk the death for that.

  • Some advice, just block the users posting the politics, if your Lemmy phone app or the desktop browser version support doing so. If they post stuff you don’t want to see now, they’ll post stuff you don’t want to see again in the future.

    Me personally, that’s what I do. My mental health is in a tight spot and I don’t have the energy for the doomer shit any more, so I’d like to hang onto some of my essence, because I can just wait to go full doomer panic mode if Trump cucks his way into 2024 and starts banning trans people from life (which would affect me).

    Also it’s worth considering, a lot of these people being “no I want the Dems to lose because some bullshit” might be fucking tankies/accelerationists sneaking in here again, not all of them but a bunch. That idea really clicked when a friend of mine pointed the possibility out.

    I’m not that versed in politics because of my similar aversion to it as you seem to have, but I do know those idiots exist, are annoying and loud, and are just contrarion moron cowards who want democracy to end so they can con someone else into doing a whole revolution for them after it gets bad. Even though none of them would last through the getting bad part.

    So just block people posting uncomfy memes, ignore Internet psychos, vote in November, including local elections wherever possible, and we’ll all hopefully come out of this without too much lasting trauma.

  • I’ll probably get whooshed like I always do in this fucking place, but. Andonuts says the f slur in Toby Fox’s earthbound halloween hack, that’s the “beef”. It was released back in 2008 by a teenaged Toby, and he regrets writing that and thinks it was very cringe today, so I’m sure the idea of there actually being a problem is exaggerated.

  • Yep, that’s me. When I still actively used reddit, I felt this with every message, was always afraid I was off the mark, or didn’t read the room, or said something wrong or ignorant.

    I just turned off notifications and ignored my karma count to just post through it. Though, I usually said things that either never got any votes, or that people seemed to generally agree with. And I was relieved whenever I did notice the numbers going up instead of down, and occasionally worked up the courage to check responses and continue conversations, but usually nothing.

    This has really not changed since moving to Lemmy, and really just persists through every website. It sucks, I mostly just don’t comment.

  • Catpurrple@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneShazam Rule
    5 months ago

    Unless there’s some other meaning for it, ong is some kind of slang, it’s short for “on god”. I think it’s used in places where one might otherwise say “I swear to god” instead. Of course like that other person said it could also be a weird typo, but it seems deliberate to me.

  • On my way to work, there’s a house I always pass with an “autistic child” sign, a yellow square sign, next to the road. I just feel offended seeing it. Even if the individual in question could be low functioning, inattentive, actually at risk of walking into the street or something, that sign has probably been there past their childhood into adulthood, and a sign to announce your child’s autism to drivers is just… something else.

  • I feel the same way, my block list is massive. The app I use to browse, the lemmy version of Boost, also has a word filter option too, which isn’t on the desktop browser interface (I don’t think), so I can block names of certain people and current event incidents I’m not interested in seeing any more, without needing to block communities or users. It only works when the post actually has the words in the title, so ironic memes slip through all the time, but its better than nothing.

  • I can’t interact with politics in a level-headed way, I just word-blocked the current incident and all the politics servers. It sucks not to know what’s going on but I can’t trust myself, I’ll just get emotional and make a fool of myself. Political memes that don’t use any of those words directly still come up, but at least it’s less.