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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2024


  • I’m sorry you had to go through that, one of my experiences with them is getting hit by a car while cycling breaking some important bones, they showed up and gave me a business card to call them while I was laying on the ground bleeding from everywhere offering no help other than asking if I could walk to the hospital several blocks away. The EMTs chased them away thankfully. Then 8 months later they finally finished typing their whole one paragraph “police report” for my insurance claim, getting every detail wrong. A random shooter guy shot at me and missed this past November while I was out in my neighborhood walking my dog, in a different City, I found his name and all details about him to give the police. They still haven’t arrested him because he didn’t actually hit me while shooting at my head and can’t be bothered to “do their jobs”

  • The Some More News podcast is doing a week of reporting on police training, misconduct/murder, and specifically “How they’re trained to kill you in your homes”- episode title. I’ll be following it and start to look at the topic myself since it’s an area I know nothing about but massively affects everyone. Other than experiencing the disgusting nature of dealing with cops and navigating the legal system with and against them, I don’t know how they function as a national system or how departments work. There is so much pro police or detective propaganda on TV and everywhere that the lines have become blurred on the reality of their actual jobs and role in society.

  • I want everyone to know the pain of seeing young black kids playing on our shitty little blacktop court yard with two broken ass courts like a fucking prison yard. And them being stuck behind that fence watching white kids run track, play football, soccer, just having a field. Before Katrina the two schools were a public middle and highschool that shared a sports field in-between them. Then the rightwing and left and everyone of them ghouls took advantage of a city crying for help and they murdered it. Fuck anyone that says a charter, private, or religious organization should take the place of our public schools, and get public funding. Instead of ranting I’m gonna type RANT🤬😤😠😥😮‍💨😢😞🤬🤬🫤😡🙄😥RANT RANT and y’all get it. I’ve been to the border wall between San Diego and Tijuana and it felt like that, people so close and completely shut away from me, and an oppressive presence watching over keeping you from taking those few steps to get close and talk through the barrier. I was young and naive still and thought that the civil rights movement won. I learned I was so wrong. Felt like Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider totally out of my element in a world I didn’t understand and about to be beat down by the realities of the deep seething malice under every action of the local and state government against the good and benefit of the people. Latoya Cantrell is a fucking criminal fucking off in Germany or some where that’s done nothing but criticize and mock and ignore the citizens of new Orleans while enriching her self through the office. She should be following trump in a corruption trial.

  • I taught in Louisiana in an open enrollment charter school. The charter system there might as well be legal segregation. We were around 90% black students, while the much bigger nicer test-in charter school that we were right next to and could see through our windows all day was like 95% white. Guess what school got all the money, athletic fields, etc. our school didn’t even have a gym in the decrepit 120 year old building that was falling apart around us. The two schools were supposed to share the athletic field between them when they transitioned from public schools to charter (post Katrina). The white school built a fence around it blocking access to our students.
    The whole charter system was a mess the entire time I worked with it.

  • Between when I posted and now I’ve done some reading on her Wikipedia and news articles. She definitely isn’t a Minor character anymore, it’s looking possible that she’ll be Trump’s VP pick and the reason for her isolation from the press and extended public appearances is strategic to allow her to continue her agenda of turning her state into the prototype for their vision for the rest of the country, while trying to remain obscure and forgotten in the national news cycle until trump announces her at the 11th hour. She has huge support in Arkansas and a dad’s governor/senator legacy to bolster her name. Arkansas support brought the Clinton’s to the national stage, I wonder if the same will happen with Sanders? I genuinely fear her being in the office of vice president and possibly becoming president. It feels in line with “Project 2025” (I’m going to read it tonight finally, may post back with info from that) . She is an absolutely Cold and unfeeling person wearing a compassionate human mask from the dollar store. If she gets power she will abolish many government agencies like the department of education and reverse policies on everything the Biden administration enacted. Trump is a loud flamboyant idiot that brags about his crimes and plans, while she follows the Putin model of strictly controlling the people and Press around her. That’s what scares me about her, that and the already obvious argument from her supporters about her dissenters being discriminating against people with disabilities (her eye condition).
    Remember she loosened child labor laws, and the kids crave for the mines memes.

    Sorry for this text block, my tldr is Sarah Huckabee Sanders seems to be a serious person to pay attention to, rather than all the goons screaming for Media attention. 

  • Are you in the US or another country? She’s not really important except she was Trump’s press secretary for a while and is the daughter of senator Mike Huckabee, so she has some influence and political sway with the Trump supporters, and likely will try to interfere with voting in Arkansas this November. 500+ people in Congress, 50 governors, the judges, all the people around the president and with Trump’s Trials… There are way too many minor characters to keep track of all their nonsense, it’s like a soap opera that’s been going on for 250 years.

  • Us recognizes the ICC, Clinton helped create it and signed on in 1998. He didn’t send it to Congress to get it ratified. Conservatives got worked up over it, lots of misinformation got spread like “now the globalists are giving away our justice to foreigners, some court in Germany can charge you with a crime you do in the US, they’re trampling on the constitution and destroying America!!! now let me tell you about these super beta plus male enhancement supplements…”. Bush pulled us out in 2002. Same year isreal pulled out, and Russia left in 2006. Since then the rhetoric coming from both parties has been " yea it would be a good idea to join, BUT…". right wing think tanks like the Heritage Society constantly churn out garbage about how joining would force us to alter the constitution (which Ireland did with national support in 2017) or that individual us citizens could be “grabbed” by the court and charged. Under the Obama administration the US worked with the court in an Observer role. Trump obviously put sanctions against the ICC prosecutor investigating war crimes during the Iraq war, removed delegate status for ICC reps, and threw his Mcflury at the court steps from his car. The Biden administration states the ICC cannot charge netanyahu, as the lack the jurisdiction. The military service protection act from the bush admin basically gives the president the power to use whatever force necessary to free Americans and allies from the ICC, bans all fed, state, and local governments from cooperating with the ICC, and bans all us based funding to the ICC.

    So we helped make it, recognized it till it opened in 2002, and now we don’t like it, kinda. There’s this whole thing with the treaty of treaties and the statue of Rome and bilateral international agreements with member countries of the ICC that won’t cooperate with the courts for us citizens and allies.