• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • BedbugCutlefish@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneAre the straights okay rule
    1 month ago

    Same ways gay people get ‘straight married’.

    Could be family pressure. Could be internalized hetreonormativity making them feel like they ‘should’ do this. Could be they haven’t really realized, come to terms with, or accepted their own identity.

    I mean, think of a ‘stereotypical’ aromantic guy. He’s interested in women, and sleeps around a lot, but despite not getting feelings, might ‘settle down’ with one partner because its ‘normal, respectable’, even if it’s not something that makes him happy. Probably won’t make the wife happy either, but that’s it’s own issue, why she might marry a guy that ‘doesn’t do romance’.

  • yeah, technically the CGA palette is 16 colors, with only 4 being able to be used at any one time. Many systems only had 4 sets of 4 colors allowed; the white-cyan-pink-black, yellow-green-red-black, and a darker version of those 2.

    CGA could have looked much better, but its the nature of all these systems that compatibility of the colorschemes was poor, so a lot of CGA just fell into the ‘lowest common denominator’ of the default palette, the one I used.

  • BedbugCutlefish@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule people
    3 months ago

    I mean, that’s the point of Dune? The ‘prophesies’ aren’t real, they’re seeded by the Bene Gesserit, the same group that spent millennia breeding the ‘savior’. And, he’s not meant to really be a savior, but their catspaw.

    But also, he’s definitely not actually a savior, on account of all the death he brings. It’s complicated, but overall a deconstruction of white savior narratives and similar stories.

  • BedbugCutlefish@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    9 months ago

    Also, article skips over the chemical part of this: Vitriol, the name for the impure sulfuric acid they used, was green (due to some iron and cupper sulfates). You can use sulfuric acid to purify gold; it’ll dissolve the silver and copper in a gold alloy, but not the gold itself, giving you 100% gold.

    However, the green lion can also ‘ascend’ by combing with nitric acid to make aqua regia, where it can dissolve gold, “devouring it”.

  • I mean, I too would be unhappy with the new games’ stories. They’re not very good stories overall.

    But, they’re better than the vast majority of video game plots, because that’s a low bar.

    Still, Jaffe seems to imply the old stories in GoW were any better, when they were pure drivel. I might still be very underwhelmed by the story in the two new God of War’s, but I at least like that they’re trying (even if I think the direction of relying heavily on animation and visual flair is the wrong one, as far as telling good stories goes).

  • That is what I think the owner is doing here. Scamming venture capital firms for a tech that cannot work.

    And I mean, its not like I have any proof. I can’t read minds; maybe he is a true believer.

    But this company feels like those companies back in the 80s that sold tickets to mars, for the rockets they were ‘just about to build’; a scam.

    This isn’t a research firm. This isn’t trying to find the exact settings and layouts to make fusion possible. If the article can be taken at face value, this is a company to make a commercial fusion plant. And I find that, in 2023, patently absurd.

  • I hope it works.

    But I’m skeptical enough to say that I think this is a scam. We’re closing in, research wise, on getting fusion to generate more power than it takes to run. Which is awesome!

    But its still a far trek from that figure, to producing enough power to be practical (I’ve heard it said you really need to aim for 10x more production than input, minimum, for it to make any sense).

    And that is still a trek from making a fusion plant competitive with existing grid power.

    I’m skeptical if this plant they’re building will even generate power, which is like three steps away from making commercial sense at all.