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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • AtomicPurple@kbin.socialto> Greentext@lemmy.mlIdentity's Kaleidoscope
    11 months ago

    My partner has DID, and I’ve done a ton of research into it as a result. This story sounds extremely plausible to me.

    I’ve read multiple case studies where people with multiple personalities will get out of whatever situation was causing the disassociation, and over time some of the personalities will vanish / die off. There was also a very extreme case I read about where the fractured personalities managed to coalesce into a new whole, but it was a different personality than the original. Basically a fully formed identity that was suddenly living the life of someone they didn’t identify as, and whose memories they couldn’t really recall.

    Even in my partner’s much less severe case of DID, the less prominent personalities will sometimes go dormant for months at a time. Haven’t had any of them disappear fully yet, but it’s at least theoretically possible from what I understand.

  • I have ARFID, and at least in my case, my diet isn’t as restrictive as most stereotypes portray, even though my list of safe foods hasn’t really expanded since I was in middle school. I was raised vegetarian, and have never eaten meat in my life AFAIK, and I that think helped me to have broader, or at least healthier tastes than many with my disorder.

    I of course have some stereotypical safe foods, like fries, pizza (on which the only topping I will tolerate is pineapple) and mac & cheese, but that list also includes things like sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, and tofu stir fry.
    The list of foods that I will not eat also has some things you may not expect, like most juices, sodas, and energy drinks, anything cherry flavored, and chocolate, which I will only eat if it’s mixed with something like caramel or peanut butter.

    There are some genuine benefits to ARFID as well in my case. The smell of red meat makes me nauseous, which has ensured I’ve stayed vegetarian into my adult life. it’s also prevented me from getting hooked on caffeine or alcohol, as I can’t stand the taste of coffee, tea or any alcoholic beverage.

    My biggest barrier to eating healthy is actually executive dysfunction, rather than ARFID. The healthy foods I like all take some active prep work, whereas I can grab a box of cheese-its or throw tater tots in the oven with almost no effort.

  • If it’s good, I have no reason to bring it up.

    This describes my relationship with Dell perfectly. I never buy anything from Dell, and I always tell other people to avoid them. The best thing I can say about most of their products is “at least it’s not HP”, and the few decent things they sell tend to be massively overpriced.
    Despite that, I have a ton of Dell products that I’ve either saved from the trash or have been given second hand over the years, and my experiences with many of them have been just fine, maybe even bordering on pleasant in some cases. The monitor I’m looking at right now is a Dell, and it’s pretty good.
    On the other hand, I’ve spent afternoons ripping my hair out trying to adapt power supplies for their stupid proprietary motherboards, or figuring out how to compile a fan controller driver for Linux, because their laptop fans won’t fucking spin until a proprietary driver is loaded in the OS.
    Guess which Dell products I tell people about when they ask me what computer to buy? It’s sure not the ones that are decent, but otherwise unremarkable.