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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • And the boomers circling the toilet age-wise that love Trump still want the 80s back because that’s the last time they were relevant. They were fucked over hard when Reagan deregulated everything and the companies they pledged their lives to sent their good paying manufacturing jobs overseas. They all got fired with little as a thank you, closed the plant(s) and destroyed their towns in the process.

    Rather than focus their blame on Reagan and wastes of life like Trump who took advantage of them and redistributed their wealth to the already rich, they’re railroaded into believing the guy that wants to raise their taxes by a small percent so that the rich who fleeced them have to give some money back is the bad guy.

    Not that it matters because they’re too proud to take it and would rather rich people keep everyone’s money than let someone who wants the help to get it.

    The best part is that they will complain until they are blue in the face that the people owning/running the company they work for are running the place into the ground but defend to the death giving them handouts. The company doesn’t have to change and they never have to pay it back - or if they do they still pay almost no taxes or get refunds.

    But yea, the single mom who wants help so she can actually see her children grow up and not have to work all the time is the problem.