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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’ve read about a variation of this and do it faithfully! Except you have to be driving under an overpass with train tracks, and there has to be a (preferably moving) train on the tracks above you. The idea is that when you press your hand to the car’s ceiling, you get to send a wish to hitch a ride on the train going by above you. The moving train takes your wish along with it, giving it quicker travels, more exposure to the world, and thus more opportunities to be fulfilled.

  • Sigh. On the one hand, I want, need and deserve rigorous honesty from science (and the panoply of public-facing health officials).

    On the other hand, I don’t completely trust others to use that info wisely. Like: when Faucci said that N95 masking was unnecessary—and was actually trying to stall so that adequate PPE could be supplied to healthcare workers. If he hadn’t said that, would the general pubic have graciously stepped to the back of the line to wait for their turn to get masks? I doubt it.

    But—if PPE works for healthcare workers, why doen’t it work for me? Or, if the highly touted flu vaccine merely dampens effects of the flu, why should I think this new miracle mRNA tech is going to reduce my chances of merely having milder Covid symptoms?

    I don’t know, but it seems to me that this muddled messaging and the 20/20 hindsight decoding may actually be contributing to the science-denying BS going around. Don’t patronize me, I guess is what I’m saying.