• Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    No, my argument is that Israel has been in complete control of the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 1967, after the ethnic cleansing of 1948 and brutal military law enacted on the Palestinians since. Early Zionists like Ben Guerion and later the State of Israel have always coveted the whole land of Palestine and only wielded peace process as ways to further land grab. Not too dissimilar to what America did to the Native Americans.

    I’ve read a lot of other sources, this article is just pretty on-topic for the history of the ‘peace process’

    If you want to learn more from both official Israeli documents, accounts from Israeli military officials, Arab sources, and also oral history to get a more complete picture than just info from official Israeli channels try these books by Ilan Pappe. Try your local library or library Genesis for a copy.


    The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories. London: Oneworld Publications. 2017. ISBN 978-1-85168-587-5. Archived from the original on 14 October 2023.

    Ten Myths About Israel. New York: Verso. 2017. ISBN 9781786630193


    The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (London and New York: Oneworld, 2006). ISBN 1-85168-467-0

    A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples (Cambridge University Press, 2004), ISBN 0-521-55632-5

    • galloog1@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      1948, a conflict started by Palistinian attacks on Jews that escalated to five nations invading Israel after they determined that the situation has escalated enough to require their own sovereignty. Sure, you aren’t leaving any information out. None at all.

        • galloog1@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          I’m leaving out a lot but yours are intentionally misleading. Mine is showing the other side and without the accusations of a one sided god complex focused on Israel operating in a vacuum.

          You even missed the context in your response to me claiming that I’m the one leaving things out as if you have not already provided the actions that you are criticizing Israel for.

          You are a perfect propaganda spokesperson.

          • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            "On 31 August 1947, UNSCOP presented its recommendations to the UN General Assembly. Three of its members were allowed to put forward an alternative recommendation. The majority report advocated the partition of Palestine into two states, with an economic union. The designated Jewish state was to have most of the coastal area, western Galilee, and the Negev, and the rest was to become the Palestinian state. The minority report proposed a unitary state in Palestine based on the principle of democracy. It took considerable American Jewish lobbying and American diplomatic pressure, as well as a powerful speech by the Russian ambassador to the UN, to gain the necessary two-thirds majority in the Assembly for partition. Even though hardly any Palestinian or Arab diplomat made an effort to promote the alternative scheme, it won an equal number of supporters and detractors, showing that a considerable number of member states realized that imposing partition amounted to supporting one side and opposing the other.

            The next day brought the fi rst outburst of intra-communal violence, activated by hot-headed youth on both sides. It was less spontaneous than it seemed to outside observers. A month earlier, Israel Galilli, the chief of staf f of the military force, had ordered the concentration of troops in the north and south of Palestine. These forces were ready to respond by force to angry and violent demonstrations, and were attacked by the shabab, the local Arab youth.

            A slow deterioration into a widespread civil war in the next few months generated second thoughts in the UN, and in Washington, about the desirability, indeed, the feasibility, of the partition plan. But it was too late for a large number of Palestinians, evicted from their houses after their leaders lost the early battles with the Jewish forces. Twelve days after the adoption of the UN resolution, the expulsion of Palestinians began. A month later, the fi rst Palestinian village was wiped out by Jewish retaliation to a Palestinian attack on convoys and Jewish settlements. This action was transformed into an ethnic cleansing operation in March, which resulted in the loss to Palestine of much of its indigenous population."

            • Ilan Pappe - A History of Modern Palestine Page 182-184


            Here’s a good list of quotes by prominent early Zionists about transfer and the results of The Ethic Cleansing campaign Plan Dalet. To learn more read or find an audiobook for The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

            • galloog1@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              Are you just a bot that counters any argument with the piecemeal tailored history ignoring any Palestinian wrongdoing? I’m going to do a test. Six day war, United States, Russia.