• gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Germans still are racist, genocide-supporting pieces-of-shit, particularly if you know what a joke denazification was. I should know, I grew up here.

    The whole society is antisemitic, which is why they support Israel: The crypto-fascists can pretend not to be antisemitic by getting the all-clear by the “official” Jewish representative on earth, Israel, while at the same time secretly celebrating the fact that many Jews would rather go to Israel than return to Germany.

    The rest, which like to think of themselves as not racist, have developed a fetish towards Jews and Israel. A kind of “positive” racism, in which Jews (assumed to be one and the same as Israel) are not held to the same standard as everybody else. They should be allowed to ethnically cleanse and have an apartheid-ethnostate because of how extra fragile they are. In a German’s mind, all Jews are Zionists, they all deserve to steal land from Palestinians, and anyone who objects to this is clearly antisemitic, since that’s basically what present-day Judaism is all about. They’re not only playing into the hands of old-school antisemitism by insinuating that all Jews are, in fact, responsible for the horrific crimes of Israel: they’re painting a total caricature of Jews and Judaism at the same time. They are, therefore, racists.

    And then, of course, there’s a the other racism: Islamophobia. Hating on Muslims is a perfectly normalized and widespread, even among “lefty” liberals. And to a German, a Palestinian is just another kind of Muslim, really.

    • DdCno1@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      That is the second most unhinged comment I’ve read here today. What complete nonsense. Literally every single thing you are saying is not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the actual truth.

      • gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Oho, is that so? Have you looked at literally any comment section anywhere in the German-speaking internet (and I’m not just talking about conservative newspapers): There’s a ton of shit that goes unmoderated and barely pushed back on, about how Islam is a barbaric religion, they’re backwards culture is just incompatible with “our enlightenment values”, they should assimilate or get out, and so on. People speak like this real life too, I’m like bio-German and people will say shit like that to me, and except me to agree with them. They’re very surprised when they get pushback. Some quite openly, others sort of couched in some way so as not to appear too racist.

        And that Germans have a super weird complex about Jews is 100% true. They’re like a prop they get out whenever it’s convenient, usually to make themselves look humble and reformed. Meanwhile, literally every politician is constantly proclaiming unconditional support for Israel as a “Jewish state”, that has a “right to exist” and “right to defend itself”, which actually means (though that’s not usually spelled out explicitly) to have a Jewish ethnostate, to not let Palestinians return from the areas they were ethnically cleansed from, and to slaughter Palestinians for daring to fight back against what is actually an attack, and not in any way “defense”. To deny any rights of Palestinians basically.

      • gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Depends on the reason they support Israel, I guess. If, like in Germany, it’s justified because Jews are some special kind of people unlike others, that need a separate country just for themselves, because it’s supposedly impossible for them to live safely in our society. That shit is some twisted form of antisemitism.