For me, it was Princess Rosalina’s backstory in Super Mario Galaxy.

  • Ryru
    10 months ago

    Thanks a ton. I saw some other comments with spoilers flagged that were working, but they weren’t indented in block quotes, if it helps. I suck at markdown stuff, so that’s the best I can guess for troubleshooting.

    I’ve tried some other games to try find a similar experience to Esther, but the quality of DE has proven to be rather rare.

    What Remains of Edith Finch was similarly evocative, in many ways. I want to try The Unfinished Swan at some point, as a follow-up.

    Leviathan was one that couldn’t click with me. I hate blaming the voice acting, because he certainly had the chops, so I’m guessing he wasn’t directed to be a sympathetic narrator, so much. I won’t say more, but I think they were just going in a different direction/vibe in that game.