• xkforce@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Blue Hydrogen is the term you are looking for. i.e Hydrogen produced through electrolysis. And this process is less efficient than storing electricity in a battery. Fuel cells are typically in the 50-60% efficiency range and electrolysis is around 70-80%. Batteries are around 90% efficient. So the round trip efficiency of Hydrogen production and conversion back to electricity is 35 to 48%. So youve got a fuel source that converts electricity into motion around half as efficiently as batteries, that requires high pressure and/or low temperature storage, is an explosion hazard and burns with a clear invisible flame that has even less infrastructure than electric cars do. So many things would have to be improved for it to be more viable than battery electric. The transition to Hydrogen for transportation is not “seamless.”

    Hydrogen is better suited to chemical industries. Trying to shoehorn it into transportation is trying to wedge a square peg into a round hole. Let Hydrogen do what it is best at and let batteries do what they are best at instead of trying to force them into areas of the economy that they have no business being in.