• QuaternionsRock@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The fact that Android is not an “industrial OS” proves that Linux is not just an “industrial OS”. The fact that Android is an “OS not well suited to the average desktop user” does not prove that a Linux is an “OS not well suited to the average desktop user”, so of course I didn’t use it to prove that point.

    Even so, you seem to take issue with the point that I did make. Is it, or is it not, “an industrial OS”? They’re your words, don’t come complaining to me because you chose them poorly.

    Android also isn’t a viable consumer OS without the closed source Google Play Services bundle

    This is patently false. The fact that Google Play isn’t even available in one of Android’s biggest markets, China, should have been a clue.


    1. The average desktop user seems to be digging those newfangled Chromebooks. What say you about those devices?
    2. Would you consider BSD to be “an industrial OS not suited for the average desktop user?” Because, cards on the table, the BSD and Linux kernels are quite similar in the grand scheme of things, and one of them has a 17% desktop/laptop market share.