The Democracy of the founding fathers was Greek Democracy, predicated upon a slave society, and restricted to only the elite. This is the society we live in today, even with our reforms towards direct representation. The system is inherently biased towards the election of elites and against the representation of the masses. Hamilton called it “faction” when the working class got together and demanded better conditions, and mechanisms were built in (which still exist to this day) that serve to ensure the continued dominance of the elite over the masses. The suffering of the many is intentional. The opulence of the wealthy is also. This is the intended outcome.

      1 year ago

      What if I told you all of nature was a system where if you lack resources you die.

      hierarchies and competition and the weak dying off while the strong oppress them…thats all a feature not a bug

        1 year ago

        Am I reading this correctly by interpreting this as “Poor people should die because in nature the weak die ?”.

        Also, you know that’s a point of view that automatically places yourself in the strong, right ? Like, you’re not going to place yourself as a “weak” individual. You think you’ll “oppress” the weaker than you, and succeed. Were you not raised with empathy ?

        Imagine this. You’re working at some firm, you make quite a bit of money, your significant other is waiting at your home every day and you love each other tenderly. You even have kids.

        One day, they all get in a car crash (not unlikely at all, is it?) and die. All of them. You are alone. The thoughts, the pain, the wanting to kill yourself, the anger, you can’t cope. You’re a mess. Your whole family, gone. You break down doing minor tasks. You can’t work.

        Because of that, you get fired. You’re without a job now, and you just want to kill yourself but you don’t. You tell yourself you’re weak. Without a job, how will you pay for the family house ? You sell your car. Life is spiraling down faster and faster and you can’t seem to make the pain stop. You’re homeless, jobless. Nothing makes sense anymore. You’ve come to terms with their death, but how do you even get back after going so low ?

        Now, you would tell me, face to face, that you deserve to die for being weak.

          1 year ago

          No such thing as “deserve”. You get what you can.

          Also, yeah man, every weak animal gets preyed upon. It’s not a tragedy. I say grind up the homeless and feed them to vegans.

          1 year ago

          They’re basically saying life’s tough, not that the weak deserve to perish. You absolute weirdo.