Absolutely, it’s the same mechanic as natural selection in nature. The system creates selection pressures on society, and people act in a way that makes sense for them to act given those pressures. The system ends up selecting for particular behaviors that are successful within its constraints. A really great concrete example of this in action is what happened when USSR dissolved and the transition to capitalism happened. All of a sudden the same people who were acting as communists under the old system quickly saw the new opportunities presented to them and turned into oligarchs overnight.
Absolutely, it’s the same mechanic as natural selection in nature. The system creates selection pressures on society, and people act in a way that makes sense for them to act given those pressures. The system ends up selecting for particular behaviors that are successful within its constraints. A really great concrete example of this in action is what happened when USSR dissolved and the transition to capitalism happened. All of a sudden the same people who were acting as communists under the old system quickly saw the new opportunities presented to them and turned into oligarchs overnight.