And I’d say it’s a pretty good release! As with all large sets of changes, there are a couple of regressions we’re tracking, particularly around the areas of external monitor brightness and multi-screen performance. They are being actively investigated. Other than those, so far all the issues have been fairly minor, requiring people to jump through various hoops to experience them. We’re still working on fixing them, of course! I’ll be writing up another post soon on these issues, discussing how they snuck into the final release, and what we can learn from the experience. But in the meantime, here’s the Plasma team’s work from this week.

    5 days ago

    No need to change the identity of having many options and customization in KDE. This is why we have a choice of multiple desktop environments (and window managers too). If there was no XFCE or Gnome as an alternative, or even the upcoming COSMIC desktop, then I would agree to slim down KDE.

    I used Gnome 2, Unity and Gnome 3 all for multiple years and have experience in XFCE as well. Really KDE is not much more buggy than Gnome 3 in example. In fact, I had lot of problems in Gnome 3 such as always breaking extensions and other limitations as well, why I switched to KDE in the first place. I was about to go back to tiling window managers, but KDE works good. I encountered with every desktop environment and window manager problems like these. So to me KDE is not really worse.