More than two decades ago, when gay men and lesbians were prohibited from serving openly in the U.S. military and no state had legalized same-sex marriages, a national LGBTQ+ rights group decided to promote change by grading corporations on their workplace policies.

The Human Rights Campaign initially focused its report card, named the Corporate Equality Index, on ensuring that gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer employees did not face discrimination in hiring and on the job. Just 13 companies received a perfect score in 2002. By last year, 545 businesses did even though the requirements have expanded.

But the scorecard itself has come under attack in recent months by conservative activists who targeted businesses as part of a broader pushback against diversity initiatives. Ford, Harley- Davidson and Lowe’s are among the companies that announced they would no longer participate in the Corporate Equality Index.

    11 days ago

    I’ve always been critical of corporations ““supporting”” LGBTQ+ rights. Not because I’m opposed to those rights, but because they’re doing it for nefarious reasons.

      10 days ago

      Seriously… Who gives a fuck if a good thing is being done because it makes someone money vs making someone happy? At the end of the day, the good thing happened. That’s a win. We live in a capitalist society, this should be a very common concept good or not.

      Like seriously, who gives a shit if rainbow capitalism was for making money? It absolutely helped at least some (if not many) people feel seen and accepted.

      “I would take this vaccine but someone created it because it would make them money so I’m critical”

      In what world does that make sense??? As long as you understand WHY they do what they do (thus keeping yourself from being convinced they actually do care lmao), then its all good and take advantage of the good thing as it happens.

      10 days ago

      Companies supporting LGBQ matters is a good litmus test for society’s overall progress. Rainbow capitalism should be looked at with skepticism, but it does mean something.