Microsoft warned customers this Tuesday to patch a critical TCP/IP remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability with an increased likelihood of exploitation that impacts all Windows systems using IPv6, which is enabled by default.

    2 months ago

    The problem is that IPV6 is only half implemented at best. Do you know how many software vendors have “disable IPV6” in their documentation? Because it’s a lot. I, as a sysadmin, have no control over that. I can’t make these vendors implement IPV6, if they haven’t done it yet they clearly aren’t in a hurry to. I’m not talking about gamers, I’m talking about niche legacy software and internal proprietary programs, older networked hardware (like door systems) often don’t support IPV6. I feel like IPV6 was created because we were running out of IPV4 addresses, and then the world realized we could just NAT everything and stopped caring. I was there Gandalf, I was there 3,000 years ago on 512K day, when the strength of IPV4 failed. Trust me I want nothing more than for IPV6 to work and be universally adopted, but here we are 30 years later