Professionally, not at all. My company doesn’t use Crowdstrike. Unlike one of my former employers who had thousands of systems down for days. The Field techs there made a killing in overtime.
Personally: My (54m) oldest kid (17m) was stuck at Laguardia for 10 hours. Fortunately, a great gate agent at LGA got him on a flight that evening, with a first class upgrade, to get him into an airport about 1.5 hour drive from the house. I picked him up at midnight and home by 1:30.
Professionally, not at all. My company doesn’t use Crowdstrike. Unlike one of my former employers who had thousands of systems down for days. The Field techs there made a killing in overtime.
Personally: My (54m) oldest kid (17m) was stuck at Laguardia for 10 hours. Fortunately, a great gate agent at LGA got him on a flight that evening, with a first class upgrade, to get him into an airport about 1.5 hour drive from the house. I picked him up at midnight and home by 1:30.