A non-hormonal, reversible and non-toxic male birth control could be a step closer, with scientists successfully targeting a protein that's crucial in making fertile sperm. Knocking this protein out for a period of time would give men control over their protection window, much like oral…
Sucks you’re being down voted, I mean maybe saying “idiot-proof” isn’t nice but comprehensive sex ed should cover helping those with a noodle understand how to find ones that fit comfortably and what main causes there are for breakage n whatnot. I’m currently having that discussion with my sex buddy, and I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve had people try to coerce me into letting them go raw dog in the past. Like keep in mind I’m in a state that has not only criminalized abortion but is defunding all planned parenthoods now.
It’s the Internet.
People downvote a lot of stuff.