“What’s happening in Gaza is not genocide. We reject that,” Biden said at a Jewish American Heritage Month event at the White House.

I can’t tell if he’s pandering or trying to lose the election

  • Wes4Humanity@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Okay but seriously who’s out there, wringing their hands, trying to figure out if they’ll vote Trump or Biden? No one. If you’re voting for Trump, there is absolutely nothing Biden (or Trump for that matter) could do to change your mind. All those centrist neolibs in the swing states are going to vote for Biden regardless, because there’s no one else for them to vote for. The true “undecided voters” are undecided between showing up and just not showing up. And shit like this just pushes them closer to the not showing up position. Every time Biden panders to his already locked in centrist base, instead of trying to get progressives to show up for him, it should be considered a willful attempt to get Trump elected.