The jury might still be deliberating, but Donald Trump’s media allies have already delivered a verdict to their audiences.

Throughout the duration of the Manhattan hush-money trial, Fox News and the rest of MAGA Media have set the stage to absolve Trump in the historic case. Day after day, week after week, popular personalities such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Steve Bannon have lampooned the judicial system, portraying Trump as an innocent victim of political persecution.

Inside this alternate media universe, the actual facts of the case never penetrate the bubble that shields its audiences from detrimental developments for Trump. Instead, alternate dishonest storylines are disseminated as the gospel truth.

Not only is Trump entirely innocent of any and allwrongdoing in the MAGA Media world, but President Joe Biden is guilty of nefariously weaponizing government to wage “lawfare” on his political opponent. Audiences are told that Biden cannot win a fair fight with Trump, so he has resorted to illegal “election interference” by rigging the judicial system against Trump.

    5 months ago

    Everybody knows Faux is bullshit…

    But it’s real frustrating everyone forgot the multi-billionaire who bought CNN explicitly said he was doing it to make it like Faux…

    And man, I don’t think I give that piece of shit enough credit when I’m trying to figure out why “moderates” are acting more and more like trumpets.

    If you’re still getting your news from CNN, it’s designed to make you just as rage addicted as the people who never turn off Faux. That’s why they keep telling you what Faux is saying, and Faux is always talking about CNN.

    It’s just a slow boil so you don’t see it happening.

    But you’re gonna get there eventually.