Summary: The Linux Foundation is gradually becoming a shadow of Microsoft, just like the Open Source Initiative, where most of the money comes from Microsoft and the official blog promotes Microsoft, its proprietary software, and Microsoft’s side in a class action lawsuit over GPL violations (with 9 billion dollars in damages at stake).

    1 year ago

    While I’m as concerned about historic EEE tactics re-emerging, I’m as equally concerned about FUD. The statement “but could not change the license of Linux, only pressure Linus Torvalds to reject GPLv3 after a campaign of lobbying” is just such a statement. Linus always had personal reservations regarding GPLv3 but that’s beside the point. LINUX is licensed as GPLv2 and lacks the “or later” clause of many projects. It cannot be relicensed as GPLv3 without ALL contributors re-licensing their individual contributions.