I though the official Straight Pride flag was in black and white (no grey areas or ambiguity), with a male symbol on top of a female symbol (depicting the hierarchy of dominance the sorts of people who would have such a flag consider the only acceptable order)
As the interim CEO of Straight I can assure you that no such thing exists because having a flag is, according to the board of directors, “pretty gay”. I refer you to the OP should you require further proof.
I though the official Straight Pride flag was in black and white (no grey areas or ambiguity), with a male symbol on top of a female symbol (depicting the hierarchy of dominance the sorts of people who would have such a flag consider the only acceptable order)
As the interim CEO of Straight I can assure you that no such thing exists because having a flag is, according to the board of directors, “pretty gay”. I refer you to the OP should you require further proof.
I endorse the T-Shirt Hell version, which is a cute little arched rainbow, in greyscale.