• specseaweed@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    In the mind of the pro-nuclear advocate, they imagine oil and coal plants being decommissioned and beautiful, brand new super perfect never failing nuclear plants taking their place. In these dreams these nuclear plants are never made by the lowest bidder, are never under staffed or inadequately maintained, are never involved in war, are never targeted by terrorists, and are never struck by acts of God. These plants have perfect supply chains whose materials are exactly as durable as described and never less. They are run by people that will, quarter after quarter, year after year, never take shortcuts for profit or make decisions that will negatively affect the plant or the people working there. You see, even the capitalists are perfect little angels in this perfect plan that makes perfect sense.

    Because what they’re selling is a perfect version of a perfect nuclear plant. All inputs and outputs are perfect with the very small exception of the nuclear waste of course, which they have a perfect answer for as well. You see, we will perfectly store and perfectly wait for a perfect answer to our perfectly nightmarish waste product from our perfect energy source.

    hey bro its cleaner than oil hey bro we could get rid of coal hey bro it’s super safe that’s why my plan calls for it to be built in South Dakota

    No thanks. We don’t need to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire to prove our environmentalism. Renewables are here. Let’s make the great leap forward of this generation be the deployment of renewables on an unimaginable scale.

    Even the baseline assumption that oil producing countries and corporations would just sit there and let it happen is so patently absurd that it’s hard to take the conversation seriously at all. Sure buddy, Exxon and Saudi Arabia aren’t going to deploy their armies of lobbyists and use their cartel to undermine the wholesale transition away from their product.

    Sure buddy. Environmentalists against nuclear are binary thinkers but our idea of using nuclear isn’t just naive magical thinking. Sure.