Over 100 children at the school are susceptible to virus.

  • cm0002@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Religion is a root cause, or at the very least (on a good day) a root enabler

    All religion is a borderline cult and with that you can control: Peoples sex habits, Peoples tastes, Peoples beliefs and from there you can control their very core behaviors and moral definitions (What’s right and wrong)

    Read up on how brainwashing happens and then read up on what most religions control and teach and you’ll notice a lot of similarities to bonafide cults. The only difference is Catholicism makes you not eat meat on Fridays and wears you down through indoctrination little be little, a bonafide cults will idk throw you in a small room to starve until you believe the leader is God reborn or something.

    I’m not saying the world would be united and there would be no evil, but maybe if religion was never a thing we would default to logic and reasoning instead of defaulting “to a higher being”